_Description of the issue (screenshots if relevant):_Total NOOB just dual boot installed on a surface studio 2 laptop and neither the keyboard nor touchpad work. Is anyone able to help with how to install the linux kernel for surface devices “linux-surface” on GitHub with openmandriva?
_Relevant informations (hardware involved, software version, logs or output…):_surface studio 2
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Thank you.
You can try installing the latest kernel for you architechture from here. As far as I know there is no “linux-surface” kernel for OMLx. Most modules provided by kernel.org are in our kernel-desktop version including modules for laptop support. When I have installed cooker kernels in Rock/5.0 in the past they worked just fine. Whether this will address what you want I can not say. There are literally a gazillion hardware platforms and “_surface studio 2” is not much information. The newer the kernel version the more modules for things like kbd and touchpad exist in the kernel.