

I am Andi and I’m new using Openmandriva. I want to participate to help and develop the distro. The teams which are interesting are: translation, development testing and QA.

Hope you can give me some advices.




Hello Andi,
thank you.
You surely will be contacted by some of our developers and/or QA Team guys.

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Hello @andi89gi , and welcome to OpenMandriva.

OpenMandriva is an all volunteer organization (OpenMandriva Association) and all are encouraged to join but that is not required to contribute to the distribution. All are welcome to help.

We definitely have need for help in all three areas you mention especially translation. To start with you can go here for more information.

The QA-Team is active we would love to have you. The localization team is dormant as far as I know and we really need someone to get that active again. We really do need help with localization. Development testing begins with our Cooker branch. Of course package testing and ISO testing is done by QA-Team and any users that wish to contribute.

Also the main daily communication channel for Developers and QA-Team is @ #openmandriva-cooker on Freenode IRC. The QA-Team and Developers hangout and do work here and folks from other teams or those just curious are welcome to observe or to join in and help get things done. Like any small group the IRC channel goes through busy periods and quiet periods so be patient for a while and you’ll get the gist of what’s going on. So we use both the Forum and IRC to communicate.

Also you are welcome to attend our weekly TC-meetings on Wednesdays at 17:00 CEST also on #openmandriva-cooker on Freenode IRC.

We also have a #openmandriva channel on Freenode for users to use for problems, general communication, and whatever.

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Just a quick mention about next weeks TC-Meeting here.

Hello ben79,

thx for the welcome text and further information how to contribute on OpenMandriva.

That’s nice to know. Well translation would be important and the localization team could be reactivated by me. It would be no problem for me dealing with this topics.

QA-Team and devs is good to know. I really want to help you because it is important that OpenMandriva will be stable and a good distro.
I will add the groups in IRC. It is a really good way to communicate fast and do meetings. :slight_smile:


Absolutely looking forward to that.

And our developers are hard at work on the next release (Lx 4). It will have quite a lot of changes form Lx 3. Switching package management from urpmi/rpm5 to dnf/rpm.org is one major change for instance. And a general effort to stream line and stabilize tool-chain packages is part of this development.

Any contribution you can make will be appreciated.

For everyone: No ISO’s yet, ISO builder is still broken but developers are hard at work on this and hopeful of resolving this very soon.

Drat, I can never seem to remember everything.

You might want to request to join the Cooker forum as well. Just ask here or on Support and someone will get that done.

Okay, I would like to join the Cooker forum;) Would be nice, if someone could do this :wink: Thx :slight_smile:

Should be done now.

Can you please post an “Hi” for testing here: https://forum3.openmandriva.org/t/no-tc-meeting-next-week/2018 ?


I’ve done it. It should work?

Yes, you are able to write in Cooker forum now, so it works.

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yes thx a lot :slight_smile:

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btw - I know it is a lot to do because the next version 4.0 will be released soon. Is there any “to-do-list”, which I can read? Maybe you or Ben could say to me, which things I can test etc. :slight_smile:

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Yeah, QA Getting Started and OM Release QA.

Post-edit: IMO the documentation could be improved upon itself. Something on my own Linux Monkey To-Do List.


Okay thx a lot :slight_smile: A long list and a lot to do

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Don’t feel like you are mandated to do it all yourself. In an all volunteer organization we all do what we can when can and for me it never seems like enough. But that is just the nature of the organization.

Hope you are getting along OK with OpenMandriva Lx 3. By all means let us know how you get on.

There is certainly something to test now and we do need testers if you are still interested. Do read Release Notes and Errata.

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If you encounter any issues please report in separate thread and let’s all of us remember to respect the One Problem = One Thread concept.

Closing this one.