New here , really trying hard to get a OMLx system running. I work mainly with Windows 11 everyday , my home set up is a little of everything. I have a M1 MBA , a gaming PC and a 3d Printing laptop on Windows 11 and everything else on Fedora KDE spin. I distro hopped for a while and learned in that process that I really like the KDE so it became more of hopping to find the perfect KDE distro. Fedora has just worked. I am also a huge ThinkPad fan and have 6 of them already and still looking for more. I build my own desktops.
However , the idea of a non political , bs free distro was too much to pass up so I am here. I am having a hard time so far , but thats probably because i didn’t RTFM. Anyways looking forward to this adventure!
Welcome. If you haven’t created a topic in the Support section on the forums, please do. Make sure you search first. We also have chat on Telegram or Matrix. You can find them on the webpage.
Welcome! Good idea to check the forum for help on your issue(s). If you can’t find your problem, definitely swing by the Support section. I am not a Linux pro by any means, but I will try my best to assist you, if I am able.
I’ve been using Linux since the 90s. I’ve been working as a Unix/Linux sys admin since 96. Slackware was the first distro I ever installed, and since then have used many. Currently managing RHEL 9 servers at work, and using MX KDE as daily driver desktop machine, but after taking a look at OM, I am sorely tempted to make a change. I’m installing OM Rome on my secondary desktop machine, replacing Fedora 41, and we’ll see how it goes.