Hello world

New here , really trying hard to get a OMLx system running. I work mainly with Windows 11 everyday , my home set up is a little of everything. I have a M1 MBA , a gaming PC and a 3d Printing laptop on Windows 11 and everything else on Fedora KDE spin. I distro hopped for a while and learned in that process that I really like the KDE so it became more of hopping to find the perfect KDE distro. Fedora has just worked. I am also a huge ThinkPad fan and have 6 of them already and still looking for more. I build my own desktops.

However , the idea of a non political , bs free distro was too much to pass up so I am here. I am having a hard time so far , but thats probably because i didn’t RTFM. Anyways looking forward to this adventure!


Welcome. If you haven’t created a topic in the Support section on the forums, please do. Make sure you search first. We also have chat on Telegram or Matrix. You can find them on the webpage.

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I am doing the searching and reading the wiki first before I post. Think its more of a nvidia / x11 problem. Thanks!


:tada: \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ :tada: :+1:

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Welcome! Good idea to check the forum for help on your issue(s). If you can’t find your problem, definitely swing by the Support section. I am not a Linux pro by any means, but I will try my best to assist you, if I am able.

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I’ve been using Linux since the 90s. I’ve been working as a Unix/Linux sys admin since 96. Slackware was the first distro I ever installed, and since then have used many. Currently managing RHEL 9 servers at work, and using MX KDE as daily driver desktop machine, but after taking a look at OM, I am sorely tempted to make a change. I’m installing OM Rome on my secondary desktop machine, replacing Fedora 41, and we’ll see how it goes.

I hope Rock will see an update to KDE 6 soon.


Welcome! We’re glad you’re here.