Hello all, I’m Zeke. I’ve been using computers for most of my life. We had a Commodor 64 and an Apple IIe in the 1980’s. In the 90’s we moved on to PC’s when I started programing in GW Gasic. I then moved on to Pascal, C, and so on. The first first version of Linux I used was an early version of Slackware my brother brought home that I first ran on a 25 MHz 486-sx. My other interests are old cars and CNC machines. Professionally, I’m an electrical engineer that mainly designs hardware, but I also get to write firmware and the odd desktop application.
Hello @StudebakerGuy
Another from the dip switch era i see
I also like old cars but got bored chasing the rust!
Old British cars arent that resiliant.
When I was a kid, my neighbor worked for a shop that specialized in old MG’s, Mini’s, Jags, and such. I got to see and ride in some pretty cool cars. Of course, I also learned about the Prince of Darkness, Lucas.
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