Hello! It’s my first time using OpenMandriva… I used Mandrake for a school project years ago, but besides that, have no experience with the Mandriva family. My last distro was Tumbleweed which I left due to the over-politicisation of the community. I am glad to say OpenMandriva has exceeded my expectations, with dnf and rpm I felt at home right away, and honestly it’s been fire so far, besides so minor things I love my set-up.
Hi Bazzy, I came here after watching Luduke’s video also. I wasn’t really aware of all the political stuff but then i wasn’t all that active in any particular community. I’ve been using linux for about 7 years now and over that time have tried most of the big distros but always tended to use apt based for my main systems. Debian testing for my son’s pc that he uses for music studio stuff and mint on my laptop. For a while now I’ve been wanting to get more involved with a project and openmandriva souded like a good place to start. My laptop seems to have some issues with romeplasma but the community has been really helpful and encourageing. In some ways it’s better that it doesn’t work for me as i’ve had to get more involved, I even submitted my first bug report today. For the moment i will leave mint in place but try to use rock as my main os whist tinkering with rome.
Welcome @Bazzy and @richp to OpenMandriva and our forum. This forum is for users of OpenMandriva Linux operating systems.
OpenMandriva Forums are primarily users helping other users.
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Users with a problem need to read How to get better results when posting about problems before reporting any issue or problem. The article is not too long and Do Read.
When a new user has an issue please look in the documentation for OMLx. OpenMandriva wiki, Forum Resources guide and the “Search” function of the forum.
If you don’t find what you are looking for, try an Internet search. One can find out a lot from documentation or forum posts at other Linux distros. If user finds something written for another distro but you have some doubt ask at OpenMandriva Chat.
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Any help with testing would be appreciated whether one is technically proficient or a very non-technical user. The more people and more hardware we can get involved the better we can make OMLx releases and packaging. We do a lot of testing in VM’s as well. Developers tend to use Qemu, most user level testers use VirtualBox.
ah so cool! I also come from Debian/apt… I cycled through Debian stable, MX, and LM for years… then I tried Fedora and found it tight, but I like more niche distros, so I went with Tumbleweed and ran it for a long time until the community got too toxic for my sanity. I watched Lunduke’s vid, and decided to try OpenMandriva out of sheer moral principle - just going blind into it… to my surprises it runs great on my thinkpad and i find it quite polished, + has dnf and rpm going + the flatpak integration is flawless, so I could basically replicate my old set up and even experiment with more stuff. I love it, and this community seems based and sensible so far… everything just fell into place. real happy - hope I can share with you guys along my Mandriva journey.