Hello again - What has been happening in the meantime with OpenMandriva?

Hello everyone,

it has been a long time since I was with OpenMandriva but I do remember the days we spent in Prague and Poland for the developer meetings.

I would like to catch up on what has been happening with the OpenMandriva project and would like to ask the following questions:

  • For package management: Is urpmi still a topic or being used? I remember @bero mentioning that he found zypper from openSUSE to be “sane”. In short: Has there been a switch to a new meta package manager?
  • Is rpm5 still a topic?
  • Is Colin still running as president? I liked his British down to business style a lot but from what I have heard bero is now president. Which is fine with me too as he is an awesome and experienced Linux developer from whom I have learned a lot.

Happy Hacking,
Maik from Germany aka. tapwag

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Hello @tapwag Welcome back.
You can find answers to your questions and much more by surfing the News at our OpenMandriva website.

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Disto switched to dnf

Zypper is available as alternative to dnf, can be installed from system repo

AFAIK no, rpm4 is used.

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Welcome back @tapwag.

dnf4 or dnf5 is main package manager now. zypper is available. The commands for dnf4 or dnf5 are the same as far as I can tell. We do some things differently than Fedora though. As always OpenMandriva package management is unique to OpenMandriva. We follow our own guidance.

No, we are using rpm4. rpm5 may be unmaintained as the website does not seem to show any recent activity.

@bero is current Association President and Project Leader. @Colin is still around and active.

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Thank you all for getting back to me. It is nice to see some familiar faces (well, at least their screen name) again.

I will see if I can get around installing the Rolling Release on my PC and maybe check for potential bugs in the future.

I took some time off: After OpenMandriva I tried Tumbleweed from openSUSE which was okay but I didn’t like them being a for-profit company, especially when they went public on the stock exchange.

I currently have the Slackware distribution on my Laptop and PC which is a nice Generation-X “I don’t care what you think” distribution but the best time I had in the Linux world was with OpenMandriva. It was nice meeting some people in person back then.

I also think that @Colin did a great job as president but @bero is also a fantastic developer who can make solid technical decisions without being arrogant. Both are nice people.


Here is the message we usually post as remind to newcomers. It brings several useful links

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You are welcome to talk to our developers at OpenMandriva Chat .

Users with a problem need to read How to get better results when posting about problems before reporting any issue or problem. The article is not too long and Do Read.

When a new user has an issue please look in the documentation for OMLx. OpenMandriva wiki, Forum Resources guide and the “Search” function of the forum.

If you don’t find what you are looking for, try an Internet search. One can find out a lot from documentation or forum posts at other Linux distros. If user finds something written for another distro but you have some doubt ask at OpenMandriva Chat .

For serious technical issues and package/feature requests please file a bug report here.

Note: We are a small group. All the contributors and developers here are unpaid volunteers.
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Any help with testing would be appreciated whether one is technically proficient or a very non-technical user. The more people and more hardware we can get involved the better we can make OMLx releases and packaging. We do a lot of testing in VM’s as well. Developers tend to use Qemu, most user level testers use VirtualBox.

And here you can find the latest ISO builds.

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