Googl-Earth-Pro don't run


  • _OpenMandriva Lx version:_24.11 ROME

  • Desktop environment (KDE, LXQT…): KDE; LXQT

  • Description of the issue (screenshots if relevant):

  • Relevant informations (hardware involved, software version, logs or output…):

$ /usr/bin/flatpak run --branch=stable --arch=x86_64 --command=earth-runner     
bwrap: execvp xdg-dbus-proxy: No such file or directory
Fehler: Abgleich mit Dbus-Proxy ist fehlgeschlagen

What is the reason for that?

$ flatpak list                                                                                      
Name                        Anwendungskennung                      Version                    Zweig         Installation
Google Earth Pro                      7.3.6                      stable        system
Master PDF Editor           net.codeindustry.MasterPDFEditor       5.9.86                     stable        system
Freedesktop Platform        org.freedesktop.Platform               freedesktop-sdk-24.08.7    24.08         system
Mesa                        org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default    24.2.5                     23.08         system
Mesa (Extra)                org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default    24.2.5                     23.08-extra   system
Mesa                        org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default    24.2.7                     24.08         system
Mesa (Extra)                org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default    24.2.7                     24.08extra    system
openh264                    org.freedesktop.Platform.openh264      2.1.0                      2.2.0         system
openh264                    org.freedesktop.Platform.openh264      2.4.1                      2.4.1         system
Adwaita theme               org.kde.KStyle.Adwaita                                            5.15-23.08    system
KDE Application Platform    org.kde.Platform

with regards
Ch. Hanisch

sudo dnf in xdg-dbus-proxy

Remember Flatpak is not OpenMandriva. Flatpak software is not something we can fix, issues should go to Flapak or the maintainer of the specific software. I do not currently use Flatpak but it looks like for Google Earth Pro here and their forum here

It does look like someone should tell them about the missing dependency…

Yes, xdg-dbus-proxy should probably be added as a dependency to flatpak.
I try to fix it soon.

Anyway, we always recommend using the .rpm version provided by Google first and using Flatpak as a last resort.
Here you can download Earth with .rpm

install don’t work.

$ sudo rpm -i ~/Downloads/google-earth-pro-stable-current.x86_64.rpm
Warnung: /home/opa/Downloads/google-earth-pro-stable-current.x86_64.rpm: Header V4 RSA/SHA512 Signature, Schlüssel-ID 9b30acf2: NOKEY
Fehler: Transaktion-Sperre auf /var/lib/rpm/.rpm.lock kann nicht erstellt werden (Die Ressource ist zur Zeit nicht verfügbar)
Fehler: /tmp/google.sig.6X9NNe: Import des Schlüssels 1 fehlgeschlagen.

Fehler: Transaktion-Sperre auf /var/lib/rpm/.rpm.lock kann nicht erstellt werden (Die Ressource ist zur Zeit nicht verfügbar)
Fehler: /tmp/google.sig.6X9NNe: Import des Schlüssels 2 fehlgeschlagen.

/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.jZG67j: Zeile 602: service: Kommando nicht gefunden.
warning: commands will be executed using (in order) a) $SHELL b) login shell c) /bin/sh
job 4 at Thu Nov 28 10:30:00 2024
Can't open /run/ to signal atd. No atd running?

But it works well.

with regards
Ch. Hanisch

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