It seems an OMLx (ad at least openSuse) problem.
Not present in FreeCAD 0.19 in Appimage in LinuxMint.
It seems an OMLx (ad at least openSuse) problem.
Not present in FreeCAD 0.19 in Appimage in LinuxMint.
The package freecad-0.19.4-0.20220205.4 (I hope) fixes this.
As you can read it’s the version I installed and error message still appears.
A workaround has been found here : the fist time run FreeCAD ad administrator with
sudo FreeCAD
and press F1 to oopen Help: it should be showed. Then close FreeCAD and run it with your normal user.
I get this error message:
Unable to launch Qt Assistant (/usr/lib64/qt5/bin/assistant)
In fact this file “/usr/lib64/qt5/bin/assistant” doesn’t exist in my system.
my mistake, i meant freecad-0.19.4-0.20220205.6. You may install it from testing repository.
Here is mine … maybe it’s the icon theme.
All icons looks different and I didn’t change anything after OpenMandriva installation.
Which style are you using?
That snapshot is from mate desktop with blueMenta theme, not from standard plasma. I posted it to suggest to you to try to change theme or icons in your desktop environment.
I’m not able to find blueMentha theme.
Installed release 6 and no more error message at start.
It seems an OMLx (ad at least openSuse) problem.
Opened a bug FreeCAD GUI icon missing · Issue #2780 · OpenMandrivaAssociation/distribution · GitHub
If fact it is a Mate theme but you may just install mate-icon-theme or adwaita-icon-theme or any other icon theme you can find in the repository and they to change the default of plasma. IMO it is not a OMLx specific bug but an upstream bug so you may open a bug report at KDE people or FreeCAD developers.
Opened bug in KDE 450870 – FreeCAD GUI icon missing
I don’t find any bug tracer in FreeCAD
I think they are using github issues trcker
This is the official source code of FreeCAD, a free and opensource multiplatform 3D parametric modeler. - Issues · FreeCAD/FreeCAD
I link below the lines of ode where freecad calls the missing (for you) icons:
- DEF_STD_CMD_A(StdCmdViewFitAll)
- StdCmdViewFitAll::StdCmdViewFitAll()
- : Command("Std_ViewFitAll")
- {
- sGroup = "Standard-View";
- sMenuText = QT_TR_NOOP("Fit all");
- sToolTipText = QT_TR_NOOP("Fits the whole content on the screen");
- sWhatsThis = "Std_ViewFitAll";
- sStatusTip = QT_TR_NOOP("Fits the whole content on the screen");
- sPixmap = "zoom-all";
- sAccel = "V, F";
- eType = Alter3DView;
- }
- void StdCmdViewFitAll::activated(int iMsg)
- {
- Q_UNUSED(iMsg);
- //doCommand(Command::Gui,"Gui.activeDocument().activeView().fitAll()");
- doCommand(Command::Gui,"Gui.SendMsgToActiveView(\"ViewFit\")");
- }
- StdCmdViewFitSelection::StdCmdViewFitSelection()
- : Command("Std_ViewFitSelection")
- {
- sGroup = "Standard-View";
- sMenuText = QT_TR_NOOP("Fit selection");
- sToolTipText = QT_TR_NOOP("Fits the selected content on the screen");
- sWhatsThis = "Std_ViewFitSelection";
- sStatusTip = QT_TR_NOOP("Fits the selected content on the screen");
- sAccel = "V, S";
- sPixmap = "zoom-selection";
- eType = Alter3DView;
- }
- void StdCmdViewFitSelection::activated(int iMsg)
- {
- Q_UNUSED(iMsg);
- //doCommand(Command::Gui,"Gui.activeDocument().activeView().fitAll()");
- doCommand(Command::Gui,"Gui.SendMsgToActiveView(\"ViewSelection\")");
- }
I’ve got an aswer in KDE bug tracer.
And I used your very good and useful work to answer
I opened a bug in FreeCAD too zoom icons wrong in KDE · Issue #6633 · FreeCAD/FreeCAD · GitHub
Your work helped in finding a quick solution, see 450870 – Zoom icons in FreeCAD toolbar fall back to `zoom` due to lack of more specific icons
Great! So next version on breeze icons will fixes it … meanwhile you may apply the “patch” manually using the following code:
for t in breeze breeze-dark
for s in 16 22 32
sudo ln -s zoom-original.svg /usr/share/icons/$t/actions/$s/zoom-all.svg
sudo ln -s zoom-fit-best.svg /usr/share/icons/$t/actions/$s/zoom-selection.svg
Maybe you also need to clean old FreeCAD config (not sure):
mv ~/.FreeCAD ~/.FreeCAD.bkp
Tried both actions but icons still unavailable.
Not a big problem, I can wait next Breeze.
I discover there are some other dirs FreeCAD uses and I don’t know enough to say what is were. So you may remove them at once then retry.
mv ~/.config/FreeCAD ~/.config/FreeCAD,bkp
mv ~/.cache/FreeCAD ~/.cache/FreeCAD.bkp
mv ~/.local/share/FreeCAD ~/.local/share/FreeCAD.bkp
Done, no zoom icons.
I wait for new Breeze.
The topic title is “FreeCAD won’t install”
Did FreeCAD install finally?
What was the proper fix?
So we can tag the topic solved if so.
Icons wrong or right and whatever other issue not related to FreeCAD installation is matter of a new topic.
We had to rebuilt freecad and some its dependences and I think it installs and works well now, even here there is another issue I can’t reproduce.