External HDD fails to mount

That’s the normal mount-point. It’s also where my “Linux Storage” internal HDD mounts to.

I went to this folder (/media/mandriva) (the same place as in your screenshot) to see what would happen when I try to click “Liam’s Gameplay” in the sidebar in order to mount it. What happened while it was attempting to mount, was that the “Liam’s Gameplay” directory momentarily appeared for a few milliseconds in the /mandriva directory - that is, the mount point it’s supposed to mount to. But after a few milliseconds it disappears again. This means that the system is trying to mount Liam’s Gameplay to /media/mandriva, but it simply can’t due to that error. Something I did notice that may be important, is that in the few milliseconds the directory momentarily appears in /media/mandriva, the directory has one of those little orange lock icons on it.

Perhaps this means the Liam’s Gameplay drive is owned by root? If that’s the case, this may be a similar issue to what I was asking help with yesterday with my “Linux Storage” drive. But I can’t use this command I was suggested to use to see which user owns the directory because it won’t work unless the drive is actually already mounted.