Dpkg not found


I just installed the latest version, Rock, and am having problems with packages. On the command line both apt and dpkg result in a command not found message. Not sure how to install it. This is my second try with this install. I’ve never encountered this with any other Linux installs before.

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Hi @kjwilde Welcome to the OpenMandriva community.
OpenMandriva uses the dnf package manager so apt and dpkg won’t work. dnf syntax is similar to apt so it shouldn’t be to difficult to remember. Also package names may be different so use
dnf search nvidia
for example to list all packages with nvidia in the name
then you you can install with
sudo dnf install package-name
If you haven’t already updatee your system after install I suggest you do that before installing other packages instructions can be found here

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I had that problem once on another distro while using an official install script from Brother Printer. It called for dpkg even though it was not an apt system. I was able to install dpkg and the script was able to install fine, afterwards. Strange! But it worked.
I haven’t had that issue on OMLx. However, you can install dpkg easily from the repo. I’m on ROME, and though you are on Rock, I’m fairly sure you will have it as well. Just install as:

sudo dnf install dpkg
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I did try installing just to see but it was unable to find the package. More importantly, though, since this is not an apt-based distro, wouldn’t adding it be a bad idea, or even work at all?

I see it. It is in the extra repo.

┌──[wilson@heisenberg] Tue Jan 21, 12:55:36 [~] 
└──[ <$> dnf info dpkg
Last metadata expiration check: 0:23:31 ago on Tue 21 Jan 2025 12:32:19 PM CST.
Available Packages
Name         : dpkg
Version      : 1.21.8
Release      : 1
Architecture : znver1
Size         : 3.2 M
Source       : dpkg-1.21.8-1.src.rpm
Repository   : rolling-znver1-extra
Summary      : Package maintenance system for Debian Linux
URL          : http://packages.debian.org/unstable/base/dpkg.html
License      : GPLv2+
Description  : This package contains the programs dpkg which used to handle the installation
             : and removal of packages on a Debian system.
             : In order to unpack and build Debian source packages you will need
             : to install the developers' package `dpkg-dev' as well as this one.
             : dpkg-dev is not provided on your OpenMandriva Lx system.
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Thanks. I didn’t know one could use dnf info to look for packages. This is useful.

I’m still getting used to DNF, but it seems to be pretty good.

Since you are new here, the Welcome app on your desktop has a bunch of tools that replaced the control panel. On the Repositories tab, click on OpenMandriva repo-picker.

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Thanks. I enabled the extra repository and now I can see the package. My experience with dnf is little, from the time I used to use Fedora, so this was great.

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wow, allways thought dpkg was an apt thing sorry for the bad info

What would dpkg be useful for over all of the other available package managment tools already installed in OM?

If a third party app uses it in their install script. @P_J mentioned that above.

It’s not recommended to use dpkg, having 2 package managers in parallel that track dependencies completely differently is essentially asking for trouble.
In OM, the tar command can extract .rpm and .deb files in addition to the regular archive files, it may be a better option to just untar the contents of any such files you need to install (building or finding an rpm is better for updating and dependency tracking though)

Since OM developers work with dnf it might be best to use dnf. This should help with that.

How To use dnf (any version of OMLx)

If dpkg works for you then that is great.

Thanks for all the help. I’ll forego installing dpkg for now and just use dnf. I guess it’ll get take some getting use to. This is my first try at OM and I’m hoping for the best and make this my keeper system.


Apt is a front end of dpkg. Apt can handle dependencies while dpkg can’t.
both are exclusively debian and debian-ish distro package tools.
Those package dpkg have nothing to do with any rpm distro

Summary : Package maintenance system for Debian Linux
URL : Debian -- Error
License : GPLv2+
Description : This package contains the programs dpkg which used to handle the installation
: and removal of packages on a Debian system.
: In order to unpack and build Debian source packages you will need
** : to install the developers’ package `dpkg-dev’ as well as this one.**

I wonder why we even have that

Same question goes to zypper

ls /etc/zypp/
needreboot repos.d/ systemCheck zypp.conf
$ ls /etc/zypp/

I can anderstand zypper to some degree atleast it is a package manager for dnf

but dpkg ??