Downloading ISO


  • OpenMandriva Lx version:

  • Desktop environment (KDE,):

Hello, I hope this on the right place.
I want to start with openMandriva.
But downloading the right one is a bit of a challenge.
I Have AMD Ryzen possessor and I want Rome (wayland/rolling)
So after clicking thru the website to get the right one I ended up here:
But if I click om the user (creator?) it says " Retired"
And the iso is from December 25, 2024.
So the iso is no langer maintained?, and the next question, what should I chose?

Hi @jsteen and welcome to OM,

I think that it just means he is retiered professionally, Ben is active in the community and i think actively maintains packages for OM but I imagine he will see this post and confirm. You sould be ok to download and install. However I don’t know why there are no rome znver isos on the sourceforge page unless the newer rome kernel has itergrated the zen optimisations? I which case this link maybe better.


Again maybe wait for conformation.


I don’t understand what you mean :slight_smile:

ROME plasma6.wayland ryzen

Build 3643 just started. Please wait a few time until it’s finished.

Thanks for clearing this up.
I wil wait some time en then download build nr 3643

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If anyone has display problems with the Plasma6 Wayland isos it is easy to install task-plasma6-x11 and switch to X11 at the sddm login screen.

This is more likely to occur if one has nVidia graphics.

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