Does OM have a "firewall" app?


  • _OpenMandriva Lx version:_24.12

  • Desktop environment (KDE, LXQT…): 6.8.1

  • Description of the issue (screenshots if relevant):

  • Relevant informations (hardware involved, software version, logs or output…):

Hi Everyone.

Another question.

Does OM have a firewall app that I can run? In Mint it was UFW or the gui was GUFW.
What does OM have?


Regards C

Should have firewalld, firewall-config, firewall-applet. Did you try those?

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For Plasma 6 it is currently named plasma6-firewall. Eventually, it will just be plasma-firewall.


I just installed it with sudo dnf install plasma6-firewall

It now shows up in settings > Wi-Fi & Internet


dnf search firewall should give users options.

This will install what they call Plasma firewall which is firewalld

It will be disabled by default, user can enable it and do whatever.

@asanDD Sorry no, I did not because I am new to OM. This is the reason I asked for help to identify the needed commands. Searching “firewall” only brought up a post from 2017… The commands given there did not work.

@zeroability and @WilsonPhillips @ben79
Thank you kindly for the input I will do as directed.

Thank you all for the input.

Regards C

Firewall installed and running Thank you all!


Was just a question, not an accusation or something. firewall-config doesn’t even work, as I just found out. Missing GTK 3 dependencies and after installing lib64gtk+3.0-devel python still complains about ModuleNotFoundError ‘gi._gtktemplate’

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100% Understood, was just giving context as too why I asked.

Like I said, thank you to ALL that was you included. So again, thank you for your input it is appreciated…

Regards C

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One thing I would suggest for those wanting a firewall is to check Portmaster. Super granuler control and good graphs to analize history data. I use it on Windows to lock it down and it is great on Linux as well.

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I see also they have ufw in the “extra” repo. Not a a KDE user, but from the screenshots posted by others above, Plasma firewall looks a lot like ufw. Very easy and simple to set up rules.

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The first thing I did in other distros after install was to disable firewalld. It just gets in the way of things working correctly. Unless you have a large target vector, it’s just not needed.