Do we have occasional security updates on OM stable rock

I have no freaking idea If it is best category If not please move it where it fits best

Like the title sad.
Do we have occasional security updates on OM stable (rock). or it is just a frozen solid snapshot till the next stable version.

The answer above suggest that it is frozen solid, jet gets few updates.
So we do not have security updates but… actually yes … we do.

So which is it ?
Im confused.
I don’t mind have just few updates in a year that patches security issues.
Im not a fan of rolling or semi rolling distros, with massive updates, for sake of having newest packages in highest possible version

But having no security updates at all worries me a little.

Lots of those looks like point releases of major version, not a new version with its own respective code name. If we consider other cells in a table for example kernel, or more accurately EOL time.

That is also bit confusing.

I’m not trying to be smart ass here im just genuinely curious and confused

Can you be more specific? Are you talking about the kernel?

Sorry if im being unspecific. Im asking more general manner. Do we have package security patches.
Let say that some security in package X was discovered. Question is if it will be secured / patched by OM team or not? Im imagine that OM does not have a kind of a security team searching for holes in packages because lack of man power and testers., so it also possible that release are frozen solid and security patches are made / added when new distro release is made.

Sorry I try my best to be as clear and specific as I can while using English.
I do not have many occasions to use the language, so my English is kinda shitty

If there is a major threat it gets patched. For example, when there was that GitHub social engineered supply chain attack on xz we patched it.


That clear things up for me


Was ROCK even affected? Since the issue was a specific version that was only for a few days and thus only rolling releases where affected.

It may have been determined at the time to be unaffected, but there was a discussion and a decision made when the exploit was found.