Display Link RPM package


I´ve been a huge mandriva fan since Mandriva 2006 and moved to Mageia since Mageia 1.

I´ve been trying to create a package that works fine in fedora but not in mageia and I was wondering if it works in Mandriva.

The problem is that when installed it complains about bad scripplets, it seems this has to be systemd scripplets since Mageia systemd is different… Is this the same case with OpenMandriva?

I´ve never created any packages before so this means that I am a begginer…

Does someone knows what to change or do when it comes to systemd scripplets and what do I need to do in the .specs file to make it work?.

This package what it does is that it downloads the ubuntu .run file, unpacks it and it creates a 32bit and 64 bit rpm that works with fedora and other RHEL distros.

This is the driver for the displaylink Dock stations also distributed by lenovo, HP, and more.

The next links is from the developer.

Any help would be appreciated…

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Welcome to OpenMandriva forum.

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I’ve had a quick look - it fails to build here for various reasons, but none of them are related to systemd.

First, the filename of the download seems wrong - on synaptics’ website, I can find only
‘DisplayLink USB Graphics Software for Ubuntu5.6.1-EXE.zip’
but the content seems to be what is expected.

Next, displaylink-sleep-extractor.sh fails with

  • bash /home/bero/abf/displaylink-rpm/displaylink-sleep-extractor.sh displaylink-installer.sh
    ln: failed to create symbolic link ‘/lib/systemd/system-sleep/displaylink.sh’: Permission denied

This is expected - our builders don’t run as root, so they don’t have write access to /lib/systemd. You probably want to make sure it extracts to %{buildroot}/lib/systemd/system-sleep/displaylink.sh instead.

Lastly, it fails with error: File not found: /home/bero/abf/displaylink-rpm/BUILDROOT/displaylink-1.12.0-1.x86_64/usr
This turns out to be because I’m building on a znver1 machine, and the spec doesn’t know about this architecture (it should be treated the same as x86_64 in this context, since it is a superset of x86_64 and there is no special znver1 version available).

After fixing that, the package builds - but I don’t have the hardware to see if it actually works.

I don’t see an obvious reason why it wouldn’t work.

Hello Bero,

Thanks for your quick response.

This is expected - our builders don’t run as root, so they don’t have write access to /lib/systemd. You probably want to make sure it extracts to %{buildroot}/lib/systemd/system-sleep/displaylink.sh instead

I am a packager noob… It reminds me when I started to use Mandriva back in 2006 LOL!!

According to the next section it does seem to have %{buildroot}/lib/systemd/system-sleep/displaylink.sh


bash %{SOURCE3} displaylink-installer.sh > %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/systemd/system-sleep/displaylink.sh
chmod +x %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/systemd/system-sleep/displaylink.sh

I wonder what you changed in the specs to make it work.

I my case I only changed 2 dependency names, libusbx to libusb1.0_0 and xorg-x11-server-Xorg to x11-server-xorg

Once I run make the packages are created fine, but once I install them I get:

$dnf install displaylink-1.12.0-1.x86_64.rpm

Downloading Packages:
Running transaction check
Transaction check succeeded.
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded.
Running transaction
Preparing : 1/1
Installing : displaylink-1.12.0-1.x86_64 1/1
Running scriptlet: displaylink-1.12.0-1.x86_64 1/1
Job for displaylink-driver.service failed because the control process exited with error code.
See “systemctl status displaylink-driver.service” and “journalctl -xeu displaylink-driver.service” for details.
warning: %post(displaylink-1.12.0-1.x86_64) scriptlet failed, exit status 1

journalctl -xeu displaylink-driver.service
░░ A start job for unit displaylink-driver.service has begun execution.
░░ The job identifier is 2689.
Sep 01 14:48:10 localhost modprobe[94759]: modprobe: FATAL: Module evdi not found in directory /lib/modules/5.19.4-desktop-2.mga9
Sep 01 14:48:10 localhost systemd[1]: displaylink-driver.service: Control process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
░░ Subject: Unit process exited
░░ Defined-By: systemd

░░ An ExecStartPre= process belonging to unit displaylink-driver.service has exited.
░░ A start job for unit displaylink-driver.service has begun execution.
░░ The job identifier is 2689.
Sep 01 14:48:10 localhost modprobe[94759]: modprobe: FATAL: Module evdi not found in directory /lib/modules/5.19.4-desktop-2.mga9
Sep 01 14:48:10 localhost systemd[1]: displaylink-driver.service: Control process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
░░ Subject: Unit process exited
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ An ExecStartPre= process belonging to unit displaylink-driver.service has exited.
░░ The process’ exit code is ‘exited’ and its exit status is 1.
Sep 01 14:48:10 localhost systemd[1]: displaylink-driver.service: Failed with result ‘exit-code’.
░░ Subject: Unit failed
░░ Defined-By: systemd

░░ The unit displaylink-driver.service has entered the ‘failed’ state with result ‘exit-code’.
Sep 01 14:48:10 localhost systemd[1]: Failed to start DisplayLink Driver Service.
░░ Subject: A start job for unit displaylink-driver.service has failed
░░ Defined-By: systemd

░░ A start job for unit displaylink-driver.service has finished with a failure.
░░ The job identifier is 2689 and the job result is failed.


Please Post your code as code.

Thanks for the tip and sorry about that Rugyada,

Since I haven´t been able to make a working rpm on either open mandriva or mageia I think I´ll move to fedora where these package already works. I understand these package is probably useless to most mandriva or mageia users anyway since you might not use any displaylink docking station or OEM like lenovo, HP, Dell…

Regards and thanks for your help Bero

Hello, I am back!!

Bero, since I read that you where able to make the package build… I wonder if you got a scriptlet error while installing.

In my case I am able to build the package but once the file is installing I get a scriptlet error,

SECURITY: The following package is _NOT_ signed (OK ((none))): displaylink-1.12.0-1.x86_64.rpm
installing displaylink-1.12.0-1.x86_64.rpm
Preparing...      #######################################
      1/1: displaylink    ###################################
Job for displaylink-driver.service failed because the control process exited with error code.
See "systemctl status displaylink-driver.service" and "journalctl -xeu displaylink-driver.service" for details.
warning: %post(displaylink-1.12.0-1.x86_64) scriptlet failed, exit status 1
ERROR: 'script' failed for displaylink-1.12.0-1.x86_64

This is the spec file.

 %{!?_daemon_version:%global _daemon_version 5.6.1-59.184}
%{!?_version:%global _version 1.12.0}
%{!?_release:%global _release 1}

# Disable RPATH since DisplayLinkManager contains this.
# Fedora 35 enforces this check and will stop rpmbuild from
# proceeding.
%global __brp_check_rpaths %{nil}

%global debug_package %{nil}
%if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} <= 7
%global kernel_pkg_name kernel-ml
%global kernel_pkg_name kernel

%{?_github:%global _github_release .github_evdi}

Name:     displaylink
Version:  %{_version}
Release:  %{_release}%{?_github_release}
Summary:  DisplayLink VGA/HDMI driver for DL-6xxx, DL-5xxx, DL-41xx and DL-3xxx adapters

License:  GPLv2 and LGPLv2 and MIT and ASL 2.0 and Proprietary

%if 0%{?_github}
Source0:  https://github.com/DisplayLink/evdi/archive/v%{version}.tar.gz
Source1:  displaylink-driver.service
Source2:  99-displaylink.rules
Source3:  displaylink-sleep-extractor.sh
# From https://www.synaptics.com/products/displaylink-graphics/downloads/ubuntu
Source4:  DisplayLink_USB_Graphics_Software_for_Ubuntu_%{_daemon_version}.zip
Source5:  20-displaylink.conf
Source6:  95-displaylink.preset
Source7:  %{name}.logrotate
Source8:  displaylink-udev-extractor.sh
Source9:  evdi.conf

BuildRequires:  gcc-c++
BuildRequires:  libdrm-devel
BuildRequires:  make

%if 0%{?fedora} < 30 || 0%{?rhel}
BuildRequires:  systemd
BuildRequires:  systemd-rpm-macros

%if 0%{?rhel}
Requires: epel-release

%if 0%{?mga}
Requires: mandriva-release

Requires:   dkms
Requires:   %{kernel_pkg_name} >= 4.15, %{kernel_pkg_name}-devel >= 4.15
Requires:   make
Requires:   libusb1.0_0
Requires:   x11-server-xorg >= 1.16
Conflicts:  mutter < 3.32
Conflicts:  x11-server-xorg = 1.20.1

Provides:   bundled(libevdi) = 1.12.0

This adds support for HDMI/VGA adapters built upon the DisplayLink DL-6xxx,
DL-5xxx, DL-41xx and DL-3xxx series of chipsets. This includes numerous
docking stations, USB monitors, and USB adapters.

%define logfile %{_localstatedir}/log/%{name}/%{name}.log

%setup -q -T -c

%setup -q -T -D -a 4
chmod +x displaylink-driver-%{_daemon_version}.run
./displaylink-driver-%{_daemon_version}.run --noexec --keep
# This creates a displaylink-driver-$version subdirectory

mkdir -p evdi-%{version}

%if 0%{!?_github:1}
mv displaylink-driver-%{_daemon_version}/evdi.tar.gz evdi-%{version}
cd evdi-%{version}
gzip -dc evdi.tar.gz | tar -xvvf -

%setup -q -T -D -a 0
cd evdi-%{version}

sed -i 's/\r//' README.md


cd evdi-%{version}/library/


mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/%{name}/        \
  %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/src/evdi-%{version}/       \
  %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/                          \
  %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/systemd/system-preset/ \
  %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/systemd/system-sleep/  \
  %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/           \
  %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/modprobe.d/            \
  %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/udev/rules.d/          \
  %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/X11/xorg.conf.d/       \

# Kernel driver sources
pushd %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/src/evdi-%{version} ;  \
cp -a $OLDPWD/evdi-%{version}/module/* . ; \

# Turn off weak modules symlink being added for dkms build of evdi
echo "NO_WEAK_MODULES=yes" >> %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/src/evdi-%{version}/dkms.conf

# Library
cp -a evdi-%{version}/library/libevdi.so.%{version} %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/%{name}/
ln -sf %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/libevdi.so.%{version} %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/%{name}/libevdi.so

# Copy over binaries in package

# Don't copy libusb-1.0.so.0.2.0 it's already shipped by newer versions of libusbx
# CentOS 7 still has older libusbx. Copy over for this distro.

# Don't copy libevdi.so, we compiled it from source

cd displaylink-driver-%{_daemon_version}

cp -a LICENSE ../

%ifarch x86_64
cp -a x64-ubuntu-1604/DisplayLinkManager %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/%{name}/

  %if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} <= 7
  cp -a x64-ubuntu-1604/libusb-1.0.so.0.2.0 %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/%{name}/
  ln -sf %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/libusb-1.0.so.0.2.0 %{buildroot}/%{_libexecdir}/%{name}/libusb-1.0.so.0
  ln -sf %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/libusb-1.0.so.0.2.0 %{buildroot}/%{_libexecdir}/%{name}/libusb-1.0.so


%ifarch %ix86
cp -a x86-ubuntu-1604/DisplayLinkManager %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/%{name}/

  %if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} <= 7
  cp -a x86-ubuntu-1604/libusb-1.0.so.0.2.0 %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/%{name}/
  ln -sf %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/libusb-1.0.so.0.2.0 %{buildroot}/%{_libexecdir}/%{name}/libusb-1.0.so.0
  ln -sf %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/libusb-1.0.so.0.2.0 %{buildroot}/%{_libexecdir}/%{name}/libusb-1.0.so


# Firmwares
cp -a ella-dock-release.spkg firefly-monitor-release.spkg ridge-dock-release.spkg %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/%{name}/

# systemd/udev
cp -a %{SOURCE1} %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/
cp -a %{SOURCE2} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/udev/rules.d/
cp -a %{SOURCE5} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/X11/xorg.conf.d/
cp -a %{SOURCE6} %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/systemd/system-preset/
cp -a %{SOURCE7} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/%{name}

# evdi module options
cp -a %{SOURCE9} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/modprobe.d/

# pm-util
bash %{SOURCE3} displaylink-installer.sh > %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/systemd/system-sleep/displaylink.sh
chmod +x %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/systemd/system-sleep/displaylink.sh

# udev trigger scripts
bash %{SOURCE8} udev-installer.sh > %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/%{name}/udev.sh
chmod +x %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/%{name}/udev.sh

%systemd_post displaylink-driver.service
%{_sbindir}/dkms add evdi/%{version} --rpm_safe_upgrade >> %{logfile} 2>&1
%{_sbindir}/dkms build evdi/%{version} >> %{logfile} 2>&1
%{_sbindir}/dkms install evdi/%{version} >> %{logfile} 2>&1

# Trigger udev if devices are connected
%{_bindir}/grep -lw 17e9 /sys/bus/usb/devices/*/idVendor | while IFS= read -r device; do
  %{_bindir}/udevadm trigger --action=add "$(dirname "$device")"

%{_bindir}/systemctl start displaylink-driver.service

%license LICENSE
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/%{name}

%dir %{_prefix}/src/evdi-%{version}

%dir %{_libexecdir}/%{name}

%if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} <= 7

%dir %{_localstatedir}/log/%{name}/

%systemd_preun displaylink-driver.service
%{_sbindir}/dkms remove evdi/%{version} --all --rpm_safe_upgrade >> %{logfile}

%systemd_postun_with_restart displaylink-driver.service

* Sat Aug 13 2022 Michael L. Young <elgueromexicano@gmail> 1.12.0-1
- Update to use the new DisplayLink 5.6.1 package
- Update to use evdi module 1.12.0

* Tue Jul 19 2022 Michael L. Young <elgueromexicano@gmail> 1.11.0-1
- Add patches to support latest EL8 and EL9 systems
- Update evdi version on Provides line

* Sat May 21 2022 Grzegorz Bialek <gp.bialek@gmail.com> 1.11.0-1
- Update to use the newly released Displayink 5.6 package

* Fri Mar 11 2022 Michael L. Young <elgueromexicano@gmail.com> 1.10.1-1
- Update to use the newly released Displayink 5.5 package

* Sun Mar 06 2022 Michael L. Young <elgueromexicano@gmail.com> 1.10.1-1.beta
- Update evdi version to 1.10.1

* Tue Mar 01 2022 Michael L. Young <elgueromexicano@gmail.com> 1.10.0-1.beta
- Update evdi version to 1.10.0
- Update Displaylink driver to 5.5-beta
- Add new udev.sh trigger script
- Add handling of newer libusb library for CentOS 7
- Change 'displaylink.service' to 'displaylink-driver.service' to match upstream
- Update udev rules to match upstream
- Add modprobe options for evdi

* Wed Dec 29 2021 Michael L. Young <elgueromexicano@gmail.com> 1.9.1-3
- Add patch to fix compile error on EL8
- Fix checking for defined macros

* Mon Dec 27 2021 Michael L. Young <elgueromexicano@gmail.com> 1.9.1-2
- Change 'unbundled' to 'github' as part of attempt to clarify
  which evdi driver is being used in the RPM that is produced.

* Tue Oct 19 2021 Rodrigo Araujo <araujo.rm@gmail.com> 1.9.1-2
- Update driver version to 5.4.1-55.174

* Mon Apr 19 2021 Pavel Valena <pvalena@redhat.com> 1.9.1-1
- Enable spec to build cleanly using mock.

* Mon Apr 19 2021 Michael L. Young <elgueromexicano@gmail.com> 1.9.1-1
- Add a 'Provides' to indicate the bundled library in this package.
- Add a 'Requires' for libusbx
- Use Fedora short names for license field

* Fri Apr 16 2021 Michael L. Young <elgueromexicano@gmail.com> 1.9.1-1
- Updated reference to download url for the DisplayLink driver. It is now on
  synaptics site.

* Tue Apr 06 2021 Michael L. Young <elgueromexicano@gmail.com> 1.9.1-1
- Update to evdi driver version 1.9.1
- Update to Displaylink driver 5.4.0

* Thu Jan 14 2021 Michael L. Young <elgueromexicano@gmail.com> 1.7.2-2
- Prevent DKMS from adding a symlink for weak modules on Fedora.
  See DKMS documentation.

* Fri Dec 11 2020 Michael L. Young <elgueromexicano@gmail.com> 1.7.2-1
- Update to evdi driver version 1.7.2

* Tue Dec 08 2020 Michael L. Young <elgueromexicano@gmail.com> 1.7.2-1
- Add the requirement for epel if distro is RHEL based
- Remove requirement for 'ml' kernel for RHEL distro greater than 7

* Mon Dec 07 2020 Michael L. Young <elgueromexicano@gmail.com> 1.7.2-1
- Remove hard coded libevdi.so.1.7.0 reference in the files section

* Mon Jun 22 2020 Michael L. Young <elgueromexicano@gmail.com> 1.7.0-2
- Add 'make' as a requirement for installing the RPM since DKMS needs it to
  build the evdi module.

* Sat May 30 2020 Mitya Eremeev <mitossvyaz@mail.ru> 1.7.0-2
- fix typo in kernel package name
- tested package in CentOS 8

* Mon May 11 2020 Michael L. Young <elgueromexicano@gmail.com> 1.7.0-1
- Update to evdi driver version 1.7.0.
- Update to Displaylink driver 5.3.1.
- The minimum kernel supported in evdi is now 4.15. Adjusting spec to match.
- Fix support for DL-6xxx devices. The firmware image was not being copied from
  the DisplayLink driver package.
- Adjust how we use dkms inside the rpm to follow recommended way in documentation.
- Switch spec to using macro for buildroot instead of variable for consistency.
- Change hardcoded paths to rpm macros
- List out files instead of using a wild card.  This Will help catch potential
  issues if files are missing or changed with new version releases.
- Use systemd scriplets for handling systemd unit file
- Use systemd preset file to enable displaylink.service by default
- Remove calls to enable dkms service since this is already enabled by policy
  on Fedora.
- Add logrotate config file

* Thu Apr 16 2020 Michael L. Young <elgueromexicano@gmail.com> 1.6.4-3
- Remove patches that are no longer needed.  This restores the ability
  to build against rawhide.

* Fri Feb 07 2020 Michael L. Young <elgueromexicano@gmail.com> 1.6.4-2
- Apply patches contributed by abucodonosor and severach on GitHub to get evdi
  working on kernel 5.4.
  See https://github.com/DisplayLink/evdi/issues/172#issuecomment-561394805
  See https://github.com/DisplayLink/evdi/issues/172#issuecomment-561964789

* Fri Jan 10 2020 Alan Halama <alhalama@gmail.com> 1.6.4-1
- Update the evdi driver to 1.6.4

* Tue Nov 05 2019 Michael L. Young <elgueromexicano@gmail.com> 1.6.3-1
- Update the evdi driver to 1.6.3

* Mon Aug 19 2019 Michael L. Young <elgueromexicano@gmail.com> 1.6.2-2
- Update Displaylink driver to 5.2.14

* Mon Jul 08 2019 Michael L. Young <elgueromexicano@gmail.com> 1.6.2-1
- Update evdi to 1.6.2

* Wed May 08 2019 Michael L. Young <elgueromexicano@gmail.com> 1.6.1-1
- Update evdi to 1.6.1

* Mon Mar 25 2019 Peter Janes <peter.janes@autodata.net> 1.6.0-2
- Add trigger on kernel postinstall to compile evdi via dkms for the new version

* Tue Feb 19 2019 Michael L. Young <elgueromexicano@gmail.com> 1.6.0-1
- Update DisplayLink Manager to 5.1.26
- Update evdi to 1.6.0

* Tue Dec 11 2018 Orsiris de Jong <ozy@netpower.fr> 1.5.1-2
- Add make and gcc-c++ build requirements

* Mon Nov 05 2018 okay_awright <okay_awright@ddcr.biz> 1.5.1-2
- Removed workaround for xorg-server 1.20.1 and glamorgl acceleration with evdi now that fedora ships xorg-server 1.20.3 which fixes the problem

* Tue Oct 30 2018 okay_awright <okay_awright@ddcr.biz> 1.5.1
- Update evdi version to 1.5.1
- Bump downloaded version to 4.4.24
- Workaround for xorg-server > 1.19 and glamorgl acceleration with evdi: https://github.com/DisplayLink/evdi/issues/133#issuecomment-428573850

* Wed Jan 17 2018 fgiff <ffgiff@gmail.com> 1.5.0-2
- Bump downloaded version to 4.1.9

* Tue Oct 10 2017 Alan Halama <alhalama@gmail.com> 1.5
- Update evdi version to 1.5
- Bump downloaded version to 1.4

* Thu Aug 17 2017 Kahlil Hodgson <kahlil.hodgson999@gmail.com> 1.1.4-5
- Restart displaylink service around dkms rebuild
- Make setup quiet as per fedora/redhat guidelines

* Wed Jul 26 2017 Kahlil Hodgson <kahlil.hodgson999@gmail.com> 1.1.4-4
- Give systemd sleep script exec permissions

* Tue Jul 11 2017 Kahlil Hodgson <kahlil.hodgson999@gmail.com> 1.1.4-3
- Disable PageFlip if xorg is using modesetting driver

* Sat Jul 8 2017 Alan Halama <alhalama@gmail.com> 1.3.54
- Bump downloaded version to 1.3.54

* Thu Jun 8 2017 Alan Halama <alhalama@gmail.com> 1.4.1
- Update evdi version to 1.4.1

* Sun Feb 19 2017 Richard Hofer <rofer@rofer.me> 1.3.52
- Bump downloaded version to 1.3.52
- Note support for DL-6xxx devices

* Tue Oct 11 2016 Aaron Aichlmayr <waterfoul@gmail.com> 1.2.64
- Bump downloaded version to 1.2.64

* Tue Oct 04 2016 Victor Rehorst <victor@chuma.org> 1.2.55-2
- Fix systemd-sleep support for DisplayLink driver 1.2.58 (which is now current for v1.2)

* Thu Sep 22 2016 Santiago Saavedra <ssaavedra@gpul.org> 1.2.55-1
- Bump upstream version for both evdi and DisplayLink driver

* Mon May 30 2016 Santiago Saavedra <ssaavedra@gpul.org> 1.1.65-5
- Add systemd-sleep support

* Tue May 24 2016 Bastien Nocera <bnocera@redhat.com> 1.1.65-4
- Really copy the libevdi.so from the sources

* Sun May 22 2016 Bastien Nocera <bnocera@redhat.com> 1.1.65-3
- Add missing libdrm-devel BR

* Tue May 17 2016 Bastien Nocera <bnocera@redhat.com> 1.1.65-2
- Update to daemon 1.1.62 (with a zip file called 1.1.68, sigh)

* Tue May 17 2016 Bastien Nocera <bnocera@redhat.com> 1.1.65-1
- Update to 1.1.65

* Tue May 10 2016 Bastien Nocera <bnocera@redhat.com> 1.1.61-1
- Update to 1.1.61

* Thu Apr 28 2016 Bastien Nocera <bnocera@redhat.com> 1.0.453-1
- Update to 1.0.453
- Compile the library from source

* Mon Dec 14 2015 Bastien Nocera <bnocera@redhat.com> 1.0.335-1
- Update to 1.0.335

* Mon Sep 07 2015 Bastien Nocera <bnocera@redhat.com> 1.0.138-4
- Disable debuginfo subpackage creation

* Mon Sep 07 2015 Bastien Nocera <bnocera@redhat.com> 1.0.138-3
- Create RPM directly from downloaded zip file
- Create i386 RPM

* Sun Sep 6  2015 Eric Nothen <enothen@gmail.com> - 1.0.138-2
- Modified installed kernels detection section to be more precise

* Wed Sep 2  2015 Eric Nothen <enothen@gmail.com> - 1.0.138-1
- Updated driver to version 1.0.138, as published by DisplayLink

* Wed Aug 19 2015 Eric Nothen <enothen@gmail.com> - 1.0.68-2
- Changed udev rule to detect devices based on vendor rather than model

* Thu Aug 13 2015 Eric Nothen <enothen@gmail.com> - 1.0.68-1
- Initial package based on module version 1.0.68 available at http://www.displaylink.com/downloads/ubuntu.php


  • OpenMandriva Lx version:


  • Desktop environment (KDE, LXQT…):

KDE Plasma

  • Description of the issue (screenshots if relevant):

I created a package but once I install it I get a scriplet error.

I created a report before but I got no response from no one.

I also use Mageia Linux and I was told that systemd fedora scriplets are not supported, so I wonder if this is the same case on openmandriva.

Unfortunately I am not that savy to change those scriptlets to a compatible form that Openmandriva can install and work.

Otherwise I am stuck with fedora o ubuntu.

I would suggest that this is not the best place to resolve something like that. These forums are intended mostly for users helping other users with problems using OMLx. I would suggest instead talking to OM developers at OpenMandriva Chat. Keep in mind that people may not be available right away or may be in another time zone. One needs to give people time to respond.

  1. It does not look true:

(The post also is marked as the solution)

  1. To start a new thread just to link the old one regarding the same issue is useless, other than against the netiquette. I merge it.


This is also an option, nothing wrong with that :slight_smile:

Well, I think theres is something wrong by getting stuck in fedora!! :grinning:

I am a mandriva user since 2010 and I don´t live fedora or other distro… I am using Mageia also but they don´t have that many packagers and time.

I came here to find help on creating this package an bero was very nice. (Thank You again Bero)

Thanks also to rugyada and sorry again for not adding things as code, I was not that familiar but thanks to you I know how to do it.

The problem with this package that it uses fedora systemd packages and once installed I get scripplets errors.

I will ask for help on the chat you recommended. :cowboy_hat_face:


I’ve added displaylink packages to cooker, done a bit differently (kernel modules belong into the kernel package and not something external – that’s the only way to make sure they always match the current kernel version).

Since I don’t have any displaylink hardware, I can’t check if it works, but it looks good in that it doesn’t spew any error messages and the related applications can start.

You need a current cooker system running kernel-rc 6.6.0-0.rc3.1 or higher (the release kernel, 6.5.x, does NOT have the needed kernel module yet – we test kernel modules in kernel-rc first), and the displaylink package from the non-free tree.

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