DaVinci Resolve on OM


  • _OpenMandriva Lx version:_24.12

  • Desktop environment (KDE, LXQT…): 6.8.1

  • Description of the issue (screenshots if relevant):

  • Relevant informations (hardware involved, software version, logs or output…):

Hi All, Hope everyone is well.

I need some help please. I am trying to install the Linux version of DaVinci Resolve.

I have installed it successfully on Mint. However, it seems that under OM it will not run.

When clicking on the icon the application seems to start only to stop shortly after.

Is there a log that I am able to look into somewhere on the sytem?

Regards C

Please see if this is applicable:


Thank you.

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Hi Zero.
Thank you, this did it…

Please mark it as a solution, then. Thank you.

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Oh crud, sorry mate, I forgot, am at work with lots going on, my appologies. Done.

Regards C

No worries. :slightly_smiling_face: