Dark Theme not Working in Telegram

Telegram built-in theme selection doesn’t switch to dark theming.
Desktop: KDE
Release Model: Rome

Steps taken within Telegram to implement it:

Menu > Night Mode
Menu > Settings > Chat Settings > Night
I tried to include screenshots, but it’s not allowing media items.

I tried the Telegram Flatpak and the dark theme is working fine.

Same here. For me, classic is highlighted and I can’t click on any other mode.


Now you can.

This tend to happen with containerized apps (Flatpaks, Snaps, etc…). You could try to download Flatseal. It’s a flatpak app that lets you manage Flatpak permissions. There might be some settings there that could allow the you to set the Telegram app to access your DE light/dark settings.

I am looking but it is not letting me set a dark mode either, but you say the flatpak works fine?

In flatpak, if you go to global options
then go down to Environment you’ll see variables to apply to all flatpaks:
if you set all the variables as I have it above, you’ll never see a bright flatpak application again! Well, I haven’t, anyway!


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I don’t think he is having a problem with the flatpak version. I am not running the flatpak either and I can verify what he is seeing.

I don’t think we can fix it. Maybe the next version will work?

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This is already being discussed:

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I also noticed that this issue also prevents any theming of the packaged version of the app from vanilla, so it is more than simply dark mode not working.

If you need a Telegram workaround until the dark mode issue is sorted out in the packaged version then you can download the Linux tar.gz version of Telegram Desktop from the Telegram website using the Get Telegram for Linux x64 button on this page - https://desktop.telegram.org/

After you have downloaded the archive extract the archive contents [Telegram & Updater executables] into /home/<username>/.local/bin/ and run it from there, it sets up its running files into ~/.local/share/TelegramDesktop/

I have been doing this for a week or so without any problem, I also uninstalled the packaged version meanwhile to clean up the application menu as when having both installed the menu has duplicate entries.

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Yes, it works fine with the flatpak version.

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I looked for a forum post for this issue but could’t find it when I searched for it.

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@zeroability means the devs are discussing it. It is not in the forums.