[cooker] Updated Harvid package.

I updated harvid to v. 0.8.3-1. It
installs fine on a x86_64 system but I’m not sure how to test if
it works? Or if it’s OK to update packages like this and post on
forum for users to test it?

Crap, forgot something. It looks like
harvid wants libx265_169 which is in restricted repo and is not
pulled in as a dependency. Should this be a dependency? Since it
is in restricted?


libx265.so.169: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

libx265.so.169 is missing, x265 support will be disabled

as you can see it can live without it. If it does not find x265, then it simply turn off support for it, noting more.

So I suggest - leave it or add x265 as “Recommends” in spec.

Recommends: x265

Recommends should pull x265 as a weak dependency, but only if restricted repo will be enabled.