[cooker] TC Meeting 07-08-2019 17:00 CEST 16:00 GMT

Suggested agenda:

1. Maintenance/management of 4.0 and Rolling
-- State of Rolling
-- Handling of Rolling https://forum3.openmandriva.org/t/3004
-- Procedure for QA to manage packages
-- QA training and education
2. Dual monitors and TV used as monitor issues
3. AIB
4. AOB

For #2 it has been suggested that we discuss this if we have devs available that have the time and want to deal with this issue. This is something that worked in OpenMandriva from 2013 through Lx3 and is broken in Lx 4.0. I don't recall anyone using OM Lx 4.0 that has reported this working properly.

Bug Report: 2510 – TV Monitor not correctly recognized.

Forum: https://forum3.openmandriva.org/t/om-lx-4-0-does-not-work-with-tv-monitor/2883/

Also: https://forum3.openmandriva.org/t/attempt-at-workaround-for-tv-as-monitor-live-iso-and-installed-system/2971/12

If we don't have devs in the meeting interested in this issue or if devs simply don't have time for this I would rather we devote our meeting time to item #1.

Also if needed for item #1 we can skip #3 AIB. This would be an AIB synopsis: Bugs are where they always have been https://issues.openmandriva.org/. There are plenty to work on for anyone with time. Majority of recent bug reports have been Package/feature requests. There are a few operational issues reported as well.