I built the i3-wm desktop for Rolling and Lx 4.0. In doing so I had to upgrade some perl packages and stupidly published them to updates repo in Lx 4.0.
These got published to updates: perl, perl-JSON-XS, perl-common-sense, perl-Template-Toolkit, and perl-Canary-Stability >>> They probably should be reverted but I don't know how to do this. If I knew how I would do it myself.
And I'm kicking myself pretty good over this stupid mistake. Learning and all that but I hate learning stuff this way in front of other people. I also hate that it might affect Lx 4.0 users.
The workaround to upgrade Lx 4.0 or Rock until this is fixed is:
$ sudo dnf clean all
$ sudo dnf -x=perl* -x=lib64perl5 upgrade
For users notice published here: https://forum3.openmandriva.org/t/notice-updating-in-lx-4-0-is-messed-up-workaround/3215