Can not install LXQt in new ROME


  • _**OpenMandriva Lx version:**24.09

  • **Desktop environment (KDE, LXQT…):**KDE

  • Description of the issue (screenshots if relevant):

  • Relevant informations (hardware involved, software version, logs or output…):

is is imposible to install LXQt.

$ sudo dnf install lxmenu-data  --enablerepo=rock-testing-x86_64
$ sudo dnf install task-lxqt                                    
 Datei /usr/share/icons/breeze/status/64/dialog-warning.svg aus der Installation von kf6-breeze-icons-6.6.0-1.x86_64 kollidiert

What can I do?

with regards
Ch. Hanisch

Install ROME Plasma6. LXQt 2.0 does not work with Plasma5/Qt5 packages. With ROME Plasma6 task-lxqt installs just fine.

Perhaps for your own education the tip should have been that long list of conflicts. All those conflicts are because task-lxqt wants P6 packages where you seem to have P5 installed.

IMO no one should be installing ROME Plasma5. And when the next version of Rock is released no one should be installing Rock Plasma5. Plasma5 is over, as in EOL.

To be factual Plasma 5.27.11 was released 06 Mar 2024. It is still supported upstream and by OM. But practically speaking it is over. Plasma 6.1 was released 18 June 2024.

Future releases

Version Type Date Tars Date Release Comments
Currently, no further bugfix release for 5.27 has been scheduled, but this might change in the future

how can I install OpenMandriva ROME with Plasma 6 from which ISO?

Thank you.

with regards
Ch. Hanisch

For x86_64: Show - Product ROME plasma6.x11 x86_64 - Platform - Openmandriva ABF

For znver: Show - Product ROME plasma6x11 znver1 - Platform - Openmandriva ABF

The x86_64 iso is tested. The znver1 iso is not yet tested.

If Install using x86_64 iso and then install task-lxqt there is one bug noticed. PCmanFM does not open “Computer” which is the access to the file system. Otherwise seems OK. Since you would have Plasma6 installed also you could use Dolphin file manager.

The fix for the problem with PCmanFM is:

$ sudo dnf in gvfs

I let @bero and @AngryPenguin know we need to add that to task-lxqt for Cooker and ROME(rolling).

@Hanisch So you should have success installing from the x86_64 Plasma6 iso # 3460 and then installing task-lxqt. I believe the znver1 iso # 3461 will also work just fine but as stated I have not tested that one yet.


I have installed from “openmandriva.rome-24.07-plasma6.x11.x86_64.iso”.
But I have some truble in the new system.

LXQt has successful installed .

with regards
Ch. Hanisch