Have no idea how to quote stuff from posts here. But about that ventoy squashfs.img disappearing during installation,
This is the simplest and easy workaround. Does anyone use Ventoy to install OMLx? - #5 by ben79
If it is not pinned already maybe it is worth consider to do so
BTW a split second before squashfs vanishes in a tin air, it looks like usb unmounted itself for a moment (blink) and you miss any indication of it in a kde tray. Maybe kde automount is at fault here. But that is a long shot at best
I found the way to quote stuff
Im the problem not kde. Im fluxbox / openbox XFCE user. KDE is great yet humongous in terms of options that are nested one in other in to other. If one is not used to this it feels bit intimidating.
@bero Hhx for landuke woke os source
Oh shit it is c++ easter egg code hilarious