Calamares crash when installing OMA ROME

My first guess is a corrupted download or copy to flash drive or other media. I am not a developer but that output is indeed not normal. That output is complaining about missing .so files which points to something missing on the iso install media.

So I would try downloading again, for sure check checksums, perhaps not downloading with a browser downloader. And also how you copy to install media matters, not just everything works. You should tell us how you downloaded and copied.

Downloading an OMLx .iso file from terminal (Konsole):

wget path_to_.iso
wget copy_and_pasted_link_to_.iso

or you can use curl or aria2c instead of wget.

This is from Release Notes:

: Booting from USB

It is possible to boot this release from a USB storage device. To create the live/installation media you may:

  • Use isowriter tool available from our repos:

sudo dnf --refresh install om-imagewriter

Or, if you do not have OpenMandriva Lx yet, you can get rosa-imagewriter download links at this page.
At least 4 GB of flash drive capacity is recommended. Persistent storage is not necessary. Note that this will erase everything on your USB!

Please do not use other usb-writing tools as some Windows tools (e.g. Rufus) truncate the volume name. This breaks the boot process.

  • Via dd
    You may alternatively dd the image to your USB stick:

sudo dd if=<iso_name> of=<usb_drive> bs=4M conv=fdatasync status=progress

Replace <iso_name> with the path to the ISO and <usb_drive> with the device node of the USB drive, i.e. /dev/sdb.

  • SUSE Studio ImageWriter and Balena Etcher have also been tested and work to transfer ISO images to USB storage device.
  • Ventoy is not fully supported. Under some circumstances it may or may not work. Please create the live/installation media choosing one among the suggested methods here above. See ROME Errata for Ventoy workarounds.

If problems continue:

What to do if there is a problem installing OMLx

Another alternative is OM-Chat the OpenMandriva channel is user channel and OpenMandriva Cooker channel is developer/contributor channel.

And finally if these issues persist you can file a bug report.