Is btrfs supported in the installer like Fedora?
Welcome @cat to OpenMandriva and our forum.
This is my opinion not an official statement. btrfs is available and if you have problems we will try to help. But it is not recommended. I would recommend either the default ext4 or xfs or if you have appropriate hardware f2fs.
To use btrfs, f2fs, or xfs you need to use “Manual Partitioning”.
Note for all users: If a user uses Manual partitioning we assume you know what you are doing or will ask first if you have questions.
thank you. I will try it.
I use btrfs on a couple of partitions, including my /home folder. Apparently it doesn’t work on the root partition.
Hi I currently have two rolling installations, one with btrfs on traditional disk and one with f2fs on an SSD, both root and home. Both work correctly.
@cat I asked devs about this and the intention is to support this. However when I try to install with btrfs root partition it does not work. This is the bug report. I get a different result when trying to install in VirtualBox with btrfs root. It looks like something in the installer does not recognize btrfs file system.
@astragalo When did you install your btrfs systems? How?
This is the calamares installation log from that bug report:
calamares.log.txt (111.2 KB)
Basically it shows this:
[PYTHON JOB]: "Bootloader: grub (efi)"
15:49:26 [6]: static CalamaresUtils::ProcessResult CalamaresUtils::System::runCommand(System::RunLocation, const QStringList &, const QString &, const QString &, std::chrono::seconds)
Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-0q1pbkkl", "grub2-install", "--target=x86_64-efi", "--efi-directory=/boot/efi", "--bootloader-id=OpenMandriva_Lx_[GRUB]", "--force")
.. Target cmd: ("grub2-install", "--target=x86_64-efi", "--efi-directory=/boot/efi", "--bootloader-id=OpenMandriva_Lx_[GRUB]", "--force") Exit code: 1 output:
Installing for x86_64-efi platform.
grub2-install: error: cannot find a device for /boot/grub2 (is /dev mounted?).
Python Error:
<class 'subprocess.CalledProcessError'>
Installing for x86_64-efi platform.
grub2-install: error: cannot find a device for /boot/grub2 (is /dev mounted?).
File "/usr/lib64/calamares/modules/bootloader/", line 477, in run
File "/usr/lib64/calamares/modules/bootloader/", line 449, in prepare_bootloader
install_grub(efi_directory, fw_type)
File "/usr/lib64/calamares/modules/bootloader/", line 311, in install_grub
File "<string>", line 5, in <module>
15:49:27 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
Skipping non-emergency job "Shell Processes Job"
15:49:27 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
Skipping non-emergency job "packages"
15:49:27 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
Skipping non-emergency job "umount"
15:49:27 [1]: void Calamares::ViewManager::onInstallationFailed(const QString &, const QString &)
ERROR: Installation failed: "Boost.Python error in job \"bootloader\"."
.. - message: "Boost.Python error in job \"bootloader\"."
.. - details: <div><strong>Command 'grub2-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=OpenMandriva_Lx_[GRUB] --force' returned non-zero exit status 1.</strong></div><div>Installing for x86_64-efi platform.
grub2-install: error: cannot find a device for /boot/grub2 (is /dev mounted?).</div><div><br/>Traceback:</div><div><pre>File "/usr/lib64/calamares/modules/bootloader/", line 477, in run
I installed OMA 4.2 in May 2021 with root in btrfs and then I switched to rolling. I used manual partitioning.
The installation with f2fs I did recently using a rolling snapshot. Again, manual partitioning.
Thanks. btrfs was know to be working with OMLx 4.2. I think if you try to do the same today with OMLx 4.3 it won’t work.
As far as I know there has not been any problem with f2fs or xfs. As far as I know the “reasonable choices” for a OMLx root partition would be ext4, btrfs, f2fs, and xfs.
I don’t want btrfs support for one storage only
I want pool all my storage devices automatically during install like Fedora