Brave takes around a minute to boot up


  • OpenMandriva Lx version: 5.0

  • Desktop environment (KDE, LXQT…): KDE

  • Description of the issue (screenshots if relevant): Every time Brave Browser boots up, it usually takes around a minute no matter what I do. I reinstalled Brave multiple times, I removed all Brave-related files between during reinstallation. I had brave installed on this machine when I had Arch installed, I reused the same /home directory from my Arch install with my OpenMadriva install. Brave booted up fine with Arch and I have another machine running OpenMandriva with Brave and it works just fine.

  • Relevant informations (hardware involved, software version, logs or output…): I have a criminally underpowered Chinese laptop

A guess would be that reusing a /home from Arch leads to some configuration unhappiness.

I just booted into a Rock hardware system and Brave opens right up here,

This may be

@josiahwelch please test the following:
- install the guest account
sudo dnf --refresh install xguest

- logout, login to guest account

- start the browser.

The guest account is useful for testing with clean configs.
You can easily remove it later if you don’t need/want anymore.

Should I try deleting relevant config files?

Alright I tried it and Brave boots up right away in the guest account.

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So now we know the issue is the old configs :wink:

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Thanks to @rugyada for that suggestion.

And yes that means the shared /home is the problem. Question is what files to remove, and that I do not know.


Thanks for helping me narrow it down!

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I will try removing config files that may be causing issues and I will report back!

Need to look for the brave (?) folder in the user’s home.
I can’t help here. Once found, I’d suggest to rename it (not delete for the moment) and let Brave make its new one

I used find -iname "*brave*" on both the machine that was having issues with Brave and the machine that was running Brave well and the discrepancy between them is the large number of icon files from my previous Arch install on my problematic computer. Should I try renaming those files or should I be fine to just remove them?

Ofc it would be safer to rename them. However given you have Brave installed and working and and opening normally in xguest it should be OK to just remove them. Worst that could happen is you reinstall Brave.

Again thanks for reporting, I learned a bit from this.

I appreciate it tons thank you guys!

sorry to be a bother… I noticed that Brave boots up right away if I type brave-browser and brave-browser-stable but still has issues with the app launcher and I’ve tried tweaking the launcher, but I haven’t gotten anything to work…

To anyone going through this post, the way I fixed this issue was just deleting my .config directory.

I wonder if it was also hanging because it was trying to access KDE wallet for the keyring. When I open Brave, I first get a prompt to unlock KDE wallet, and as soon as I enter the password and hit enter Brave fires up.

that makes sense… the KDE wallet config file was configured with an arch install, which I’m assuming was problematic.

As a piece of advice, common practice is just rename dirs first, so that you have a backup just in case.


That is always a good idea…

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