Blame Lunduke!

Honestly, Arch can say whatever they want on their website, but their actions are truly what matter.

I think most want to laugh off their actions and move forward with a better community. If Arch and Debian want to do that, more power to them. They are just going to push people away who want nothing to do with it.


You are here arguing just for the sake of it. No one but you cares. Go take your Arch fanboi stuff back over to Archā€™s forums.

Said Mr. Nobody who joined OpenMandriva few days ago and tries hard to become the monster he is fighting against with his pal Lunduke. What a sad outcome of OpenMandriva.

I donā€™t care what their code of conduct says. Their behavior is clear. Instead of stepping in and telling the discord to stop, or disavowing them, they scrubbed their forums of any reference to Lunduke. Face it, they approve of the behavior. I love Arch and this sucks, but stop defending them.


You are now making it personal. All because I said Lunduke is my friend. That is some hate you have there sir.

@WilsonPhillips You have been reported to the OMA team.


For what?

Cool. :smiley:

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Arch forums donā€™t have a general chat category, all of the categories are technical in nature. Deleting posts that have nothing to do with the technical aspects of Arch makes sense. Until Arch comes out with an official statement calling me rotten flesh, I wonā€™t be too worried about this. Iā€™ll still run Arch on my gaming pc because it is a hassle to get all of my windows games setup the way I like again, and Iā€™ll keep running OMLx on my laptop and home server.

Edit: Apologies to Tuxcat for completely derailing this thread. I hope your laptop is still running well for you with OMLx.


Hi I seen your comment on YT well i will go OM or something like that.
And Im happy to see you here.


Hi! Welcome to OpenMandriva, I hope it works great for you too! Thanks for the sweet message. :slight_smile:

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Im 4 weeks in. I was Debian guy for more then 10 years. Yup I sometimes check some other distros for fun but Im alwaays back to debianā€¦ But, Im on stable OM Rock. And it light years ahead of debian. It is better in every aspect. Imagine my shock.

High Five man and take care


Yes, but they deleted threads from years ago. Literally any mention of him. Heā€™s been a tech journalist since 2006 and was on the board of OpenSUSE at one point. His name has been out there for a long time. Iā€™m sure heā€™s been discussed on those forums many times in the past.

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I am interest to hear how much OM is better than Debian coming from a long time Debian user. I know I am liking it, and I feel like Iā€™d recommend it to most people already.

high fives

No apology required! Quite the oppositeā€“I am entertained. I find open disagreement refreshing. Itā€™s great to not have to walk on eggs all the time for fear of upsetting the perpetually offended. I came here for the unique & useful distro. Iā€™m staying for the community.


UFFFF! :yawning_face:

While I believe the opinions exchanges done in a pleasant way are food for thoughts, I am a bit bored with how this thread has derailed.
Also not really happy, as this such of things usually come to not that funny outcomes, tricky to manage too.

One: ā€œButā€¦ butā€¦ butā€¦ā€
The other: ā€œButā€¦ butā€¦ butā€¦ā€
Rinse and repeat.

People each will stay with their own idea, there is no solution. Just motorboating.

Also, if you want to discuss Arch, which is not the point on the OpenMandriva forum, start a new thread.
However, it would really not be appropriate.

Thank you.


CachyOS waves that flag officially.

As for ā€œArchā€ the base of many distros, Lunduke has substantial proof of them scrubbing the official forum after he showed what was going on in the ā€œunofficialā€ discord group. There were mentions of Lunduke in the forum that have been completely scrubbed.

I agree completely - this is what I was posting on X in the Lunduke threads on this issue. I cannot stand this attitude that we have to remain silent about certain topics as it might ā€œoffendā€ someone.

We treat adults like children and then we are shocked when we discuss complex topics that they act like spoiled children in response.


First of all, this would require a new thread, but okā€¦ as long you are contiuining this.

You apart from Lunduke, those who canā€™t read and those who have malicious intentions to begin with, are also surprised? by what Archā€™s CoC says and what the action of violating has been? I posted it previously but here it is again:

Controversy/controversial topics #
There is no explicit list of topics considered to be ā€œtrollishā€, controversial or provocative, but in the past, posts pertaining to Religion, Sports, Race, Nationalism and Politics have invariably been closed. Therefore, specifically avoid these and all divisive topics in the Arch community. The staff certainly realize that such issues are deeply ingrained human realities. However, this is a technical community and is not intended nor able to effectively facilitate such commentary nor the resulting unrest.

the link Code of Conduct | Arch Linux Terms

:point_right: Now that you have been ā€œenlightenedā€ I guess you could inform Lunduke and all his fanbois and trolls about that on X.

How is just posting that name a violation?

Iā€™m not here to defend the ā€œLunduke fanbois and trollsā€ (which is interesting language btw) but seriously - the question was not ā€œtrollishā€ it was just asking for their official stance on the behavior going on within the ā€œunofficialā€ Discord server.

They didnā€™t answer his question, they didnā€™t say, ā€œDeath threats of any kind are not part of the Arch mantra / CoCā€ etc, they DELETED his question and BANNED HIM.

Was he being a ā€œtrollā€ for asking this in the forum??