Backing up ~/home with KBackup

For a long time, I have used rsync with the grsync front end to do backups of my ~/home folders. I have been quite happy with this, other than I hate the GTK file picker. While I was doing testing on the next version of OM-Welcome, I installed KBackup. I just did my first backup with it on an external SSD and I will say that it was easy. It was fast. It just worked.

If you haven’t tried it, give it a shot.


I had forgotten to say, UnCheck .cache. You do not need to waste the space to back this up.

I’ll have to give it a try. I’ve been using rsync to back home to my server and really don’t have any complaints, but why not.

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Not sure how it will work for backing up to shares on a server. I have not tested that. Keep us informed.

I started to look at this yesterday and got sidetracked with the day job. Gonna have to get back to looking at it.

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Holy crap! You are right. This thing is fast and I’ll add easy as hell. Doin my first back up of /home with it. Not doing everything in home ie Downloads. But everything else. Nice and stupid simple.

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I was amazed at the simplicity. If someone is not getting some sort of backup of their /home folders, they really don’t have an excuse.

I just wish I had some server shares to test it on.

It does have a tray icon. So I’m guessing it could be added to a shutdown command to auto start a backup before shutdown in order to auto save your work from the day.

Oh, lookie there. There is a KBackup Handbook in the menu. Lol.
Guess I should read that.

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I’ll try to remember to test it tonight and let you know how it works.

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I ran the test this evening and it transfered 31 GB in about 140 seconds. It would have been faster if it wasn’t printing every filename to the screen. Overall it’s very easy to use and transfers realatively quickly.