Automated Backup Software That Supports S3 Storage


Is there any software that can do automated backups to an S3 bucket? I’ve been digging around in the package manager but I haven’t found anything yet.

Back on Ubuntu I used to use Duplicati but that’s not available on OM-Rome.

I looked into mounting an S3 bucket as a drive, but s3fs doesn’t seem to be in the repos either.



You would have to create a github account, if you don’t have one, but you can put in package requests and file bug reports here.

From their website I see that Duplicati has a docker image available if you’re familiar with docker. They also have a fedora rpm that may or may not work here, and a generic zip file.

I do not use Duplicati or Docker, so this is all the info I can offer.

Thanks for the advice Lee. I tried the RPM but it did not work. I have used Docker a little bit in the past.

Right now I’m thinking I may install Duplicati on my Pihole VM which runs Ubuntu Server, and then mount my samba share on it.

I keep our important files on a TrueNAS server, I’m just working on the remote backup part of the equation in case of fires, theft, etc.

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KopiaUI claims to support s3 connection but it does not work. When trying to create a repo it returns:

Connect Error: INTERNAL: internal server error: connect error: unable to write blobcfg blob: PutBlob() failed for “kopia.blobcfg”: unable to complete PutBlob(kopia.blobcfg) despite 10 retries: The specified key does not exist.