Attempting to Switch from Windows to Linux

Greetings fellow meat bags.

For years I have desperately wanted to get away from the abusive relationship with Microsoft Windows. The main reason for not switching is video games I already had not working. I have heard so much about how Steam which is where most of my games are on, is now able to use this proton thing to make it work. I’m assuming this will solve the issue but not for all games I have been warned. Before I get to even trying to install it, I need to make a purchase of a new M.2 SSD in order to save my current Windows and keep it as it is and if everything goes well with finding the programs to replace what I have on Windows, I’ll just wipe it and use it for my games library storage.
What I need help with from everyone is do you have any of the games in my library and can you check off any of them that you know that work?
(insert steam community link)id/techsonic/games/?tab=all (Why are you blocking this link?)
Currently I mostly play Star Trek Online, Warframe, Crossout and Elite Dangerous. So out of all of these they are the only games which all must work.

As for what hardware:
AMD 7800X3D
32GB of DDR5 x6000mhz Expo
MSI B-650 Pro WIFI

I understand that my current keyboard and mouse both being Logitech are not supported under Linux sense I cannot control the keyboard lights and same with changing my mouse settings with the software which is only available on Windows. So any suggestions on a membrane keyboard, I need it quiet, not mechanical clack clack that wakes up the dead and a mouse that has buttons I can set functions on. I need a keyboard that only illuminates the symbols and not backlight which similar to the G213 and a mouse with a button layout similar to the G300S. Unless there is some sort of software equivalent that can control the lighting in Linux. I have attempted to check retail websites for these but not much luck as 99% of them don’t have the ability to sort for Linux support or have the ability to control lighting on the keyboard it’s self. Also issues with the mouse sense I have and defiantly use the extra buttons on my mouse. Other then the RGB that illuminates the keyboard, I ABSOLUTLY hate RGB on anything else. I never understood why anyone wants a rainbow light show inside their computers. It’s ridiculous.

Will I be able to use any kind of GPU related software to make sure Adaptive Sync active? while using my 165hz monitor with my card. I currently use adaptive sync to keep my games from exceeding 165 FPS because that’s the limit of my monitor and I don’t feel like it always running 100% is good for it long term if I’m not gaining anything past what my monitor is able to output.
I’ve searched for info on AMD software on Linux and I did find something about it, but there doesn’t seem to be anything like AMD Adrenalin Edition or maybe I’m not looking in the right place.

As for everyday software, I already know I can get Brave browser on OpenMandriva so I just need to backup my bookmarks and auto-fill, password stuff and import it so that isn’t an issue.
I saw Open Broadcaster is on there also so that solves another issue along with Discord.
I want to keep using Adobe Photoshop 7.0 (Oh it’s a complicated mess just to get it working on Windows 11 because of how old the software is, but you can solve the install using safe mode and scratch disk issue while there before booting normally). I know there is Inkscape and Gimp but I tried using them and they still haven’t caught up to 2002 yet with some of the features Adobe uses for layering such as being able to go back and edit a layer without having to redo the whole layer without a complicated maze of confusion or edit text and add effects to it directly. Why is modern software so damn behind on this?

Right now I cannot think of anything else except for other video game related stuff.
Most of everything else I see my self using has an alternative on Linux that works just fine. I prefer Winamp for a music player but nothing is perfect except for VLC and it’s already on there.

I guess I’ll need to know what kind of TV tuner card I can use on Linux, but that isn’t high priority right now.

Thanks for reading my wall of text and extra thanks to any help with the concerns or issues I have. If your help solves my issues, I owe you a beer and steak if you ever find your self in Nebraska.



fwiw mention it, I keep a Win7 partition in dual boot just for using Photoshop.
Sad but true, I can’t get accustomed to any available alternative for Linux.

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Not just this one. Links (and uploads) are not allowed for new registered users by default to prevent spam and other not-that-nice issues until the users get a reliable user level or some admin will increase it manually, that’s what I did right now.
Try again.

OpenRGB to control lights. I assume we are talking about rgb, brightness, and patterns.

Mouse buttons are all supported, no extra software needed, built into the Plasma desktop settings.

I suggest changing in-game settings to set the max fps to 165.

There is great Linux-based alternative to manage the special features of Logitech keyboard and mice. It pairs wireless devices with the logitech dongle, including their latest “bolt” model or whatever it is called now. At any rate, just install solaar and you’ll be good to go for Logitech devices.
To my knowledge, it does not manage the lights, but as @LeeTalbert mentioned Open RGB, an excellent program, and the default OpenMandriva desktop (Plasma) integrates seemlessly with the extra buttons on logitech mice and keybards. I use a Kinesis keyboard and it has weird and extra buttons, lol, no problem here.

Adaptive sync is default in Plasma, these days. It works very well, most of the time. Some games, however, will experience some “flashing” in bright areas. I experienced this in S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2. Turning off Adaptive Sync corrected that issue. Otherwise, Adaptive Sync works perfectly.

Adaptive sync is just VRR, right?

You will experience an awesome time on OpenMandriva with that hardware. I have a 6750XT OC, too, and it works amazing with games, and I didn’t have to install any extra software. Gotta love Linux, lol.
A good resource to check compatibility with games is There is some steamdeck specific information there, but it is mostly about “desktop” gaming.

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Adaptive Sync is a type of Variable Refresh Rate. It is, as I understand it, an open standard by VESA (Video Electronics Standards Association). But basically, yeah, lol! But it’s not really 1:1

Can you give a quick screenshot of where that option is in plasma settings?

@LeeTalbert It is a Wayland specific setting. It is in Display Configuration.

You could use clonezilla and copy the drive to a drive you already have, however your option is easier. Or you could dual boot both OSes.

so you have to prepare :
create two profile in your UEFI motherboard ( one for windows , second for linux )
you can use version znver1 for AMD install

for boot on USB live iso OpenMandriva :

  • Secure Boot off
  • CSM off
  • Legacy Off
  • all disks on AHCI
  • fast boot off
  • advanced cpu > cppc ( amd zen2+) on or auto

the boot for install UEFI is always Uefi:< vendor name USB > Partition 2

after install you will have to switch by UEFI motherboard for change Windows / Linux
and keep each disk with their own os boot ( see override )

prefer to add a partition for /home

be careful with windows update , it can
→ remove entry boot linux
→ change in your UEFI options ( see upper ) without warning
→ may be update your UEFI motherboard

for games from Stream , if they are for multi os ( win , apple , linux) , activate before option in the cloud ( windows ) , and see result on Steam linux :wink: