Are there sysvinit options for OpenMandriva?

Hello, I didn’t see much on this topic. I’m not interested in starting a “which is better” conversation.

I assume the answer is no (but I am not assuming why), and I’m not dismissing or making light of the work that would be needed; I’m not demanding it or even requesting it. I am curious what discussion may have taken place on the topic so that I could read this discourse. I would figure that discussion touches on the primary issues of people who are weary of systemd and on Poettering’s desires of having it become essential to any distro.

This is primarily just to understand the principles of the people involved in the community on topics like this. For instance, I might see an overwhelming support in theory, but an acknowledgement that the development resources simply don’t exist.

Thank you

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There have been discussions around init and other topics. We discussed OpenRC, dinit, and other init systems as well as pipewire and wayland. Everyone has ideas about those things here and there isn’t a lot of opposition to it. We are all adults at the end of the day. So, even if there were disagreements, we tend to be good-natured about it.


I’m told that systemd in OM is “stripped down” to the bare essentials, so it’s not the monster it has become in other distros.

The concern is the whole “One Ring to Rule Them All” approach that systemd takes in most Linux distros, and the ties to IBM / RedHat that accompany it’s use.

Thank you both for your responses.

zeroability, that’s very good to hear. It’s nice to be able to have reasonable discourse with people even when they differ in opinion.

Robin, thank you for the information, I’ll go ahead and dig around to find more about this. Aside from the direction I believe systemd is going, there are the development choices/behaviours that I don’t agree with (and would have disciplined or fired a programmer for doing it repeatedly when I built a software company) which are, again in my opinion, in part how the various accidental exploits to systemd over the years have come about. I’ll look into this, since I definitely want to know that an update to systemd and its associated dependencies wouldn’t result in a new vulnerability being patched into my system.

Thanks again

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