I fell in love with OpenMandrive and I plan to switch most of my machines on it this week. For most of my use case I stick with ROME, however for my work/server machines I’d rather use ROCK.
Anyone knows when will ROCK 6.0 will be released? Thank you so much, and I hope I’m not out of line for asking
I’m new here and wouldn’t hazard a guess, but I doubt it will be very long. They are busy.
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There are a lot of irons in the fire right now so to speak. I assume with the uptick in users with different hardware makes things difficult
I won’t say what the number of new users is right now, but when I saw the number, I was shocked! Let’s just say “huge.” Don’t worry though, the team can handle it.
You make a good point, I hadn’t thought of that. It sure is an exciting time to be part of OpenMandriva. Right now I’m struggling with personal issues, but as soon as I have some free time and I learned my way around OM, I will do my best to participate in the forums and give back to the community.
Growth brings opportunities. There are certainly opportunities here for people who want to help. Coders, maintainers, folks helping out where they can.
And that makes me so glad. Honestly I tried many KDE based distros and never heard of OpenMandriva. I was chocked at how good it is (switching many of my machines on it). It definitely deserves more recognition.