Additional desktop environments updated once again!
I am pleased to announce that all currently the most popular desktops are available in the OpenMandriva repository and have been updated to the latest releases.
So, if you don’t like the default Plasma 5, then you have option to use a different environment like Gnome, Cinnamon, Mate, Xfce, IceWM or i3. In addition @fedya has prepared Sway, and in the repository we can also find under the tutelage of @bero the LXQT and Lumina - both QT based environments. All desktop you can find in Cooker, Rolling* and in upcoming stable release Rock 4.1.
Cinnamon environment was updated to latest 4.4.8 along with all the components that fall into this stack.
How to Install:
You need first enable unsupported repository. You can enable it in graphic application called om-repo-picker or via console by:
sudo dnf config-manager --enable cooker-x86_64-unsupported
To install the cinnamon environment in konsole:
sudo dnf install cinnamon
Then log out or reboot system and in SDDM choose Cinnamon session.
ERRATA to Cinnamon
- Just like in gnome case, gnome-terminal looking weird, to fix it, in terminal options select - “custom fonts”.
- In cinnamon-settings, page about Cinnamon does not open. Solution? There is no solution, just not click here (for now)
GNOME environment was updated to latest stable 3.34.3 along with most components that fall into this gtk stack.
How to install:
Gnome stack in most parts is available in main repository (enabled by default) but some of optional packages are located in unsupported repository. So for best experience, I suggest enable first unsupported repository.
You can enable it in graphic application called om-repo-picker or via console by:
sudo dnf config-manager --enable cooker-x86_64-unsupported
and then install gnome
sudo dnf install task-gnome
Log out or reboot and in SDDM select GNOME on Xorg. We provide also another session called Gnome on Wayland, this session on most of hardware should work fine but as any Wayland session, still missing some features and can contains bugs. So preferred session is still Gnome on X.
ERRATA to Gnome
gnome-terminal looking weird, to fix it, in terminal options select - “custom fonts”.
MATE environment was updated to latest stable 1.22.2 along with all components that fall into this this stack.
How to install:
MATE stack is available in unsupported repository, so you need enable it before install.
You can enable it in graphic application called om-repo-picker or via console by:
sudo dnf config-manager --enable cooker-x86_64-unsupported
and then install MATE.
sudo dnf install task-mate
No issues found.
Xfce 4 environment was updated to latest stable 4.14.2(3) along with all components that fall into this this stack.
How to install:
Xfce 4 stack is available in unsupported repository, so you need enable it before install.
You can enable it in graphic application called om-repo-picker or via console by:
sudo dnf config-manager --enable cooker-x86_64-unsupported
and then install xfce4.
sudo dnf install task-xfce
No issues found.
IceWM environment was updated to latest stable 1.6.4.
How to install:
IceWM is available in main repository, so you don’t need to enable ant other repository. Just install:
sudo dnf install icewm
ERRATA to icewm
No issues found.
i3 - dynamic tiling window manager was updated to latest stable 4.17.1.
How to install:
i3 stack is available in unsupported repository, so you need enable it before install.
You can enable it in graphic application called om-repo-picker or via console by:
sudo dnf config-manager --enable cooker-x86_64-unsupported
and then install i3.
sudo dnf install i3-wm
ERRATA to i3
No issues found.