Hi everybody
The first distro I almost installed, was a Mandrake back in the late '90. I actually bought the Box version with a CD, a Book and somme wizard stickers …just to realize my computer (and my understanding back then) was insufficient. Big regret.
Right after that, from a magazine, I got …a Gentoo CD with no install instructions! Unsurprisingly it was a bigger fail than my Mandrake attempt.
And just like that, I landed on a minimal dual-boot xUbuntu/Win98 spending all my time with the blue mouse. Everything since then, Linux wise, was an APT story …Ubuntu/Debian/Mint, installed once Arch from scratch to see if I can, but went back to the confort, lazy me.
Other than that, I’m into WebDesign, WebDev and eMarketing since the same period, helping people build an identity and communicate around what they are doing.
My actual name is Andrei, romanian (born ‘76) living in France (Nîmes) since 1993 already, and I must confess I smiled when I realized that openMandriva is a 1901 Assos’ I have been trough some of them here, mostly around sports and it’s a hell of a job to make them grow.
See you around the forums or the chat, I’m not good enough with C code or whatever a Linux distro needs, but if I can help on anything …
Long live the Free Softwares, Free like in Free speech!