- Could not find KDiskFree natively. I had to install the flatpak version. I would prefer native over flatpak.
I am finding it in the main repo. I am on rolling znver1 though.
┌──[wilson@heisenberg] Sun Feb 02, 07:31:33 [~]
└──[ <$> dnf info kdf
Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:30 ago on Sun 02 Feb 2025 07:31:33 AM CST.
Available Packages
Name : kdf
Version : 23.08.5
Release : 2
Architecture : znver1
Size : 616 k
Source : kdf-23.08.5-2.src.rpm
Repository : rolling-znver1
Summary : View free disk space
URL : https://utils.kde.org/projects/kdf
License : LGPLv2
Description : KDiskFree displays the available file devices (hard drive partitions,
: floppy and CD/DVD drives, etc.) along with information on their capacity,
: free space, type and mount point. It also allows you to mount and unmount
: drives and view them in a file manager.
KDiskFree is installed by default in Rome. I woulld’ve assumed it was in Rock as well.
It is not installed by default in rock slim version. Thank you. I found it. I was searching for Kdiskfree instead of kdf.
What would be the reasoning to not include it in Rock? Space on iso?
Just curious the thought process that goes into to the differences between the versions.
To make the SLIM version, some things have to go.
Of course. But those are each on Rome and Rock.
I mean the differences between apps included between Rock and Rome.
I would assume they would be the same apps just the older more stable ones on Rock. Rather than completely omitted from it.
Guess because Rock is Plasma5 and ROME is Plasma6