VirtualBox kernel modules will not load on boot (even with dkms)

So how things are working now is that when I first boot in to Cooker if I run:

# lsmod | grep vbox

there is no output and VirtualBox will not run VM’s. If I:

# modprobe vboxdrv && modprobe vboxpci && modprobe vboxnetflt && modprobe vboxnetflt


# lsmod | grep vbox
vboxpci                28672  0
vboxnetadp             28672  0
vboxnetflt             32768  0
vboxdrv               479232  3 vboxpci,vboxnetadp,vboxnetflt

and now VirtualBox will run VM’s.

Two or the more minor bugs are in this here and here. They are minor and don’t affect usability of VirtualBox.