The eid-mw and eid-viewer packages in the OpenMandrivaLx3.03 repository need to be updated


  • OpenMandriva Lx version: 3.03

  • Desktop environment (KDE, LXQT…): KDE

  • Description of the issue (screenshots if relevant):
    The software in the eid-mw and eid-viewer packages is used for user identification when you visit a Belgian government website.
    When using the firefox browser the Belgium eID add-on has to be installed in firefox to perform the identification on the wbsites. This Belgium eID add-on usses the eid-mw and eid-viewer packages to perform its tasks.
    The newest firefox used by OpenMandrivaLx3,03 requests the latest version of the Belgium eID add-on and this add-on needs the latest version of the eid-mw and eid-viewer packages

Question: Is it possible to update the eid-mw and eid-viewer packages in the OpenMandrivaLx3.03 repository?


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Was it ever working before now?

See also this.

Hello Ben,

The installed eid-mw and eid-viewer packages in the OpenMandrivaLx3.03 repository are working fine (I tested them). With the proper card-reader and the viewer I can readout the information on my Belgium ID-card and change the pin-code.

To make it work the following additional packages are needed:

  • acr38u (64bit)
  • lib64acr38u0 (64bit)
  • lib64acr38u-devel.
  • ccid (64bit)
  • lib64pcsclite-devel (64bit).

All available in the OpenMandrivaLx3.03 repository.

To identify yourself on a government website via firefox the Belgium eID add-on is needed. I installed it but it complains that eid-mw and eid-viewer are outdated.

This complete set-up works fine under OpenMandrivaLx 2014.2. I still use it.

This is the URL: eID software | Download and install the eID software for electronic identity


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A Package request bug report is the best way to get a package in need of updating updated. Or to get a new package added to repos. Bug reports are always a better way to get attention of developers than a forum post. A forum post may be seen by devs or it may be missed completely.

FWIW: If I go no IRC and ask developers about things like this (and I do) one of the first questions asked will be where is the bug report?


it is already published and should be available soon in all mirrors

And so at least one developer did read your post. Glad it worked out this way. Thanks @fedya.

Maybe my statement should change to “If you post in the forum a package or update request and don’t get a response in a few days or a week then file package request bug report”?

(Live and learn, the travails of a Linux Monkey) :monkey:

Hello Fedya, Ben,

I installed the 5 packages in

  • eid-mw-4.4.5-1-omv2015.0.x86_64.rpm
  • eid-viewer-4.4.5-1-omv2015.0.x86_64.rpm
  • lib64beidpkcs11_0-4.4.5-1-omv2015.0.x86_64.rpm
  • lib64eid-viewer-devel-4.4.5-1-omv2015.0.x86_64.rpm
  • lib64eidviewer0-4.4.5-1-omv2015.0.x86_64.rpm

I started the eid-viewer in a terminal window and got the following error:

$ eid-viewer
eid-viewer: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/ undefined symbol: _ZTV28ToXmlMemberOfFamilyConvertor


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Post-edit: By the way thanks for reporting this.

@fedya would be who we need to correct this.



fixed, upstream bug. Package should be ready in our repos in 10 minutes.

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Hello Fedya

Did you save the fix in Index of /3.0/container/239698/x86_64/contrib/release/

I’m afraid the site is offline.


DOnt know if fix is here but ABF is down. Try mirror. Maybe this: Index of /mirror/

You can find mirror list here: the status of OMA mirrors


Many thanks, it works like a charm.

Here is what I did, from the URL I downloaded the following rpm’s


and installed them in the given sequence.

I rebooted and connected my usb card reader loaded with my ID card. I started the eid-viewer and was able to read out the card.

Finally I opened firefox and installed the Belgium eID add-on

Note: The add-on has to be configured before it can be used in firefox. The configuration instructions can be found on this URL Log in with eID | eID software

I think this software can be moved to it’s offical location.


I reckon we can close this one.