TC Meeting today 02-01-2019: 17:00 CET 16:00 GMT

A Happy New Year to everyone.
I’m sorry I won’t be able to chair the meeting today due to grandchildren duty.
I hope bero or ben79 will pick up the mantle of chairperson.
Here is a possible agenda.

1: Review of alpha1 release issues.
2. Review of post Alpha1 fixes done, apps updated, overall improvements.
3: When to freeze and split cooker
4: AIB
5: AOB


I added a new item (2) to agenda ~rugyada

2 Likes also (at least mention the issue)


Can’t be there for most of it due to Dr. appointment. Here’s what I planned for AIB.

For AIB perhaps we should now focus on bugs against Lx 4.0 Alpha. In that vein there is a pretty complete list here:

Devs and others can go there and pick what they are most interested in and squash 'em like a grape.

To pick two for AIB I selected:

Live mode does not offer options for localization, keyboard

User can’t install more than one kernel-release-desktop-devel version

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