Release date and information about LX 4.0?

Did you have list of relase planned charge compare RC with LX 4.0?

Its look like the most works, but nvidia driver still missing, firefox 67 x86-64 bit did not exist.
Gnome is litle buggy but its it available to install.

So i did not know what more its need to be fixed?
Will openmandriva have SoftwareCenter app instead of install in terminal?

Release date?
Unfortunately, the date is unknown. Stable Lx4 will be coming soon. Wait patiently :slight_smile:

Not sure here. Most changes should be available at the time of release in the release notes.

Mainly organizational things, last fixing, infrastructure and tests, etc.

In OpenMandriva Lx4 you can use dnfdragora (such our software center with graphicas ui). Dnfdragora replaced our earlier one called rpmdrake (which is now abandoned).