Problem with Konsole

Dear Ben79,

no, I do not share one /home partition with two linux systems, in order tot avoid problems.

I spent a lot of time, two days, and two hard drives to learn and solve the problem on the drive where it matters.
On the second drive I installed a dummy user called “dummy” with UID:GID 1001:1006. I removed the phantom user groups between GID 1000 through 1005. Then I added the user it is all about with GID:UID 1000:1000 with th already existing home directory. It all worked, except that now I get this error:

As you see it is not konsole that opens, but bin/sh.
The Dutch test translates as: “Warning: Could not find I-do-not-know-what (’ '). ‘/bin/sh’ has been opened instead. check your profile settings.”

As you see the cursor stand at the correct place, just after the character I just typed. This is the most important thing for me. I tried to find the “profile settings”, but I have no idea where to find them. The dummy screen of konsole is correct. So the problem is not one of the system. As an experiment I renamed the .donfi and .local files from the dummy user. and logged in again. this die not make a difference. So the "profile settings are not in these directories. After this I installed Openmandriva on a second hard drive in the same way. On the second drive this problem does not occur. The difference between te two is, that on the first drive the home directory is old and the dummy new, and on the second both are new.

I seriously doubt to recommend to install OMa on his computer. He too has an old home directory. He lives in Italy, and I live in Holland. So it will be very difficult to fight the system from the beginning until it gives up and letts us have our way. And all this misery because of a few phantom groups that ought to be empty and easily used for the users.

It will be much and much easier to install Linux Mint. Mint does not fight the user, and does not try to prevent the user form easily making changes in system files if necessary.

If you, or anyone else readin g this, knows how to get konsole working again, I shall be most thankful. The simple fact is: the community made a beautiful system! The only problem is the presence of the phantom groups that make life difficult for simple users like me.

Thank you very much for the trouble you have taken to help me.
