Newcomers Tips

@richp I have always set this in the BIOS or now the UEFI.

This confused me alot at first because thats the solution most people suggest but none of the laptops i have owned had this option in the bios. I have always used older hardware so maybe this tip will become obsolete but as linux is often used to give new life to older hardware i think it could still be usefull. This is also a question iā€™ve seen in many forums and often required alot of back and forth to get to the solution.

Hmmm. In 30+ years, I have never seen a computer that did not have this option. Not saying that you are wrong.

Maybe I have just been unlucky but all my laptops have had very simple bios with few options that can be changed i did start to doubt myself though so rechecked my acer aspire v571 and my thinkpad z710 and nothing. Always though it must be a feature on high end machines until i bought the z710, I thought it must be higher end because it came with an i7 processor but still the same familiar bios. I wonder if there is a difference between US and european models?

Would it be possible to consider implementing some sort of signing to ensure the provenance of the disk images?

Right now the situation is a http server serving up files with a SHA256 for verification of download integrity. Moving to https will keep chromium based browsers from being troublesome about downloading the iso, but it leaves downloaders without any way of knowing whether the download itself (and the associated SHA256 file) on your server have been compromised.

You could sign your SHA256 file with a key that youā€™ve email verified (with an email address from the openmandriva domain) with keys(dot)openpgp(dot)org.

We are looking into that. For now, just copy the URL and add the s manually.

  1. Right Click the ISO on abf
  2. Copy Link Address
  3. Open new window/tab
  4. Paste into address bar
  5. Click on the end of http and add a s
  6. Hit enter and download as usual with no warnings

I didnā€™t expect to see you here, but itā€™s good. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hello, WP. I hope you are well. I havenā€™t been active in Lundukeā€™s community for a while, but I have been listening to the podcasts. When Lunduke mentioned OpenMandriva I thought Iā€™d check it out.

Edit: The previously deleted message was this one. I didnā€™t think it was properly linked as a reply. Alas, it was. Definitely not my favorite forum system. One of the reasons I didnā€™t stay on the LCOS board.

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Iā€™ve just learned to hit the F5 and let it refresh before moving on. :grinning:

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