New OM-Welcome needs testing

A couple of suggestions:

OpenMandriva runs on armv7hl and aarch64 architecture which are really appreciated and used in makers world so a category Makers may be added under Application sheet.

Om-Welcome promotes some non-free software no more so mush use at these days such as flash player, unrar and skype. What do you think to substitute them with some interesting free software?

People use flash player, unrar and skype. introducing substitute is good. But Widely used apps should be available. large no of People use them. People use Windows, Mac and Linux. Create a standard system that can use any ware for any purpose. Industry standard apps and Widely used apps should be available this is my opinion.

Yesterday I could not watch webinar using Linux.

Well Iā€™m not speaking about to remove non-free repo (each user can choose to disable it or not, of course) but to not promote this software in OM-Welcome.

About the software I mentioned, usually unrar is only used to decompress rar archive and this can be done with other software. For instance I use unar for this, which is also compatible with ark so itā€™s fully transparent to the user.

About flash it can useful for firefox and qupzillla but AFAIK linux version is not more actively developed (only security are provided) and in general is not more so used over the web. Also some browser are planning to disable plug-ins at all also for security reason (but not only).

Finally about skype it has a web interface now so can be used directly inside the browser (but Iā€™m not sure this works on linux) and in any case according to repoclosure the package is actually broken and no-one has reported this on bugzilla so I think (quite) no-one use it in lx3.0. And standard in audio/video communication are SIP, XMPP and other protocols not covered by skype. Some cross-platform free software using standard protocols are for instance linohne and jitsi.

Thatā€™s my own opinion, of course.

I think /usr/share/locales/*/LC_MESSAGES/ are uses instead so source must be changed. Something like transferix would help not technical users.

This is not a valid justification :stuck_out_tongue::

LC_ALL=it_IT om-welcome

Ah, will check there then.

LOL I meant that if there were some other files when install is in other languages other than EN I donā€™t see them.
But probably this didnā€™t even make senseā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

ASAIK .mo files are binaries obtained from .po files so sources should be checked.

Ok. From yesterday discussion at TC meeting it became clear that we have to finally finish to check all the items in oma-welcome and see what works and what not, what have to be removed or replaced (and replaced by what).

I suggest to start the topic again - without any distraction and useless comment - so to be really focused on this matter.


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New oma welcome version. Replaced Maxthon browser by QupZilla.
The new package at time of writing is in /testing repository.

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I think yes.

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@ben79 I filed a bug report on Kdenlive. As you hoped :stuck_out_tongue:

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Awesome thanks.

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Here you can see all the screens - up to yesterday before last update.