Installing OpenMandriva Rome only leaves a black screen

I think that I have seen what he is describing a couple of times myself installing “openmandriva.rome-24.12-plasma6.x11.x86_64” in a VM. It doesn’t always do it, and it recovered from it in this clip that I tried to record of it, but I think you can see what he is describing at the 2:00 mark in this clip. After a fresh install, when you initially put in your password to log in, it hangs on the screen shown for a few seconds with a flashing cursor and it doesn’t always recover from it. It does in the clip, but I have seen it sit there for quite a while and never go past this screen where there is a flashing cursor that lets you type, but doesn’t do anything else. If it does hang at this point, it seems to work the next time after a reboot. One other very small thing that you can see in this clip around 1:07 is that it doesn’t tell you to eject the media, and I rebooted back into the ISO. Not a big deal, but I could see someone that doesn’t do this often not realize that they were booted back into the installation media after the restart.

I just drag and dropped from the Downloads folder into the USB partition. I have done this with multiple other ISOs. I have been able to install Mint 21.3, 22, and Windows 10 on this same USB stick using the exact same method using Ventoy. It is the only USB formatting that has worked for multiple different OSes in the pasta and even OpenMandriva was working on it until it didn’t with the black screens appearing.

How to use Ventoy to install OpenMandriva
Did you read this?

Yes. That is how I was able to install Wayland 24.12, but the final install is causing the black screen. I will try tonight to install Wayland 24.07 since I have a suspicion that one of the updates between 22.07 and 24.12 is what is causing this. The last working version was 24.07, but once I started installing more updates I finally got tothe point where black screens were happening constantly.

Did you install nvidia prior to updating or are you using the default nouveau driver?

Before installing 24.07 try to boot 24.12 like this. At Grub2 Menu go to Console Mode, login as user, and type startplasma-x11 hit enter to start the desktop.

This could be a systemd and nvida not getting along issue.

If that is true it would be easier to downgrade systemd stack than doing another install.

OR if you already have installed 24.07 upgrade it like this:

sudo dnf clean all

sudo dnf --allowerasing dsync -x systemd* -x lib64udev -x lib64systemd -x lib64nss* -x udev 2>&1 | tee rome-dsync.log.txt

This will create the log rome-dsync.log.txt you can post here if there are problems with the upgrade (dsync). The -x package_name are packages to be excluded from the dsync namely the systemd package stack. If there is an error it wil likely be some package I missed excluding.

Upgrading OMLx systems

Did I miss your reply?
All this is becoming confusing.

Are we talking about 24.07 or 24.12?

I think that we must go back to the start. If you want please do a fresh install of ROME 24.12 x11.
Let it clean as it comes by default and let’s talk about that.

Also, you mention ‘the installers’ I guess you refer to the ISO image/s.
For us, the installer is the installation tool Calamares. So to avoid confusion please use the correct wording :wink:

Been away the last few days, but I got time to respond now.

  • 24.07 + 24.12 Wayland launch to desktop from the USB and allow me to install. They do not allow me to start the OS because I get black screen right after BIOS. I do not get the login screen either.
  • Everything else gives me black screen when I use the ISOs. I do not get to the desktop without getting a black screen immediately. Impossible to install with my USB stick.

My hard drive is clean. X11 ISOs just don’t work for me at all. I’ll use ISO from now on. :slight_smile:

I am not touching any Nvidia drivers. Unless the ISO actually installs one I am not installing anything Nvidia related to get these errors.

Sadly I can’t type my password when using just the fullscreen console. It refuses any keys I type when it’s time to give the password. It also is using an American keyboard when I can use it for other things, but I have a Swedish keyboard so it makes it hard to type.

You don’t see text when you type a password, but it will work nevertheless.

And it seems you can use sudo loadkeys se to change the keyboard layout to swedish (I think the swedish language code is se).

Hey again! I wanted to ask for advice on what alternatives there are to Ventoy that would also work for installing other OSes like Linux Mint and Windows 10 alongside OpenMandriva. Wanted to have another go at trying to get this distro up and running. :slight_smile:

On Windows, you can try Rufus in dd mode. Anything that uses dd or does a raw copy of an ISO should work. You just can’t copy the contents of our ISO’s to a disc like others. @ben79 probably has a better list at the ready.

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I can confirm that balenaEtcher for Windows works great at burning OpenMandriva Lx images to USB sticks.


Is there a reason for this decision? Why is it raw so dd is needed?

Okay, thanks! Is it possible to have multiple ISOs on the same USB?

I don’t think so. I think there can be only one.


All right. Are there any other options that work like Ventoy? So far it is the most flexible ISO installer I have found out there and it has worked perfectly fine until I tried OpenMandriva. Might just have to bite the bullet and reformat to Balena Etcher and then switch back to Ventoy once I am done.