Automount partition at boot

So to work around this user needs to add the partition to file /etc/fstab. OpenMandriva by default recognizes storage devices by UUID. To find the UUID of the partition you run this command ‘sudo blkid’. On this system I already had 3 storage partition so for the newly created ntfs partiton I’ll call it “Data4”. It is located at ‘/dev/nvme0n1p16’. That is similar to something like /dev/sda16 except that the storage drive is an nvme device. Anyway the output of that command looks like this for me:

$ sudo blkid
[sudo] password for ben79: 
/dev/sda1: UUID="20fec382-4f07-40aa-b16f-97d7493e5fda" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="ea18feb9-e2be-43cb-b431-ca7a5e6e094d"
/dev/sda2: UUID="c1a61bf9-5753-45f0-be3a-cab62d55ce62" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="de1f4434-1823-46e5-bf95-55a9c40ea908"
/dev/nvme0n1p16: BLOCK_SIZE="512" UUID="3A6AEA22581D5FA6" TYPE="ntfs" PARTUUID="f530326b-cf0c-ed47-bce1-7b2bfbf44b7f"

So the UUID for /dev/nvme0n1p16 is 3A6AEA22581D5FA6. Now I add that to my /etc/fstab file so it looks like this:

Then reboot and the ntfs partition is mounted as Data4. This takes 2 minutes or less plus reboot time. This takes less time to do than it takes to read this post. I have done this many, many, times.

You can check if you were successful after you reboot by opening KDE Partition Manager:

Note: It would be perfectly OK for a user to use “default” option only if you have any reason to think “noatime” should not be used on your system. See options defined here.

Post-edited to simplify a little bit 2020-05-22.